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Lori could hear voices whispering near her. Opening her eyes she realised that she was in the hospital wing.
"Lori you're awake" Jessy cried scooting closer to the bed " we were really worried about you"
That was when Lori noticed someone else was sitting next to the bed with Jessy.
Oliver looked at Lori relief clear on his face but also regret.
"I'm glad you're okay" he said " I know I was mean to you but when I saw you fall I realised I never wanted you to get hurt"
Lori smiled at him and wrapped her arms around both her friends. She finally had people who cared about her that weren't teachers.
Lori was released from the hospital wing the next day with strict instructions from madam Pomfrey to not over exert herself.

The three Slytherin's had become very close to one another over the weeks that followed doing everything together. Lori couldn't of been happier until Halloween night.
The feast was amazing the hall was filled with laughter and noise. Even the Professors were enjoying themselves.
Lori and her friends decided to head to their dormitory early so they could have some quiet time without other Slytherin's.
As they walked a sudden crash made them stop.
"What was that?" Jessy whispered
Lori shook her head looking for the source of the noise. Suddenly Professor Snape glided around the corner.
"Why are three young Slytherin's I the halls by themselves while the feast is still in progress" he asked in his most scarily smooth voice.
" we were heading back to our dormitory when we heard something crash" Oliver stated
"Really..." Snape began disbelievingly. But Lori was no longer listening to the Professor, her eyes were focused behind him.
Noticing Lori's lack of attention Snape was about to make a sarcastic remark when he realised the girls face had gone very pale.
"Loriana what are you..." Snape began to say as he turned. The sight that greeted turned his pale face ashen.
He pushed the children behind him as far as possible. Trying to shield them from the creature.
The creature raise a giant club and with a loud echoing roar brought the club crashing down on the four retreating figures.

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