McGonagall didn't wait as she had told Lori instead she headed straight to Dumbledore.
"Come in" Dumbledore called as she knocked "Ah Minevra what others you at this hour"
"I need to know if Narcissa Malfoy lives" McGonagall stated.
Dumbledore momentarily lost the twinkle in his eye as shocked rocked him.
"Why Minevra, what's wrong?" Dumbledore queried.
"Lori had a nightmare of sorts she said Narcissa was tortured and the man she described doing it Albus it was you know who. Lori said that she woke up as he killed Narcissa" McGongall recounted what she knew.
"Does Loriana know that Narcissa is her mother"Dumbledore asked with s frown
"No Albus, but she knew that Narcissa was refusing to give up the location of her child and I don't believe they were discussing Draco" McGonagall answered.
"It is not yet time to tell her. I will check in Narcissa. Keep an eye on Loriana let me know if she has anymore dreams. Harry has been having the same issue" Dumbledore said
"Yes Albus" McGongall left Dumbledore to his thoughts, returning to her chambers for the night.Dumbledore wrote a quick letter asking Narcissa to meet him at Hogs Head. He then headed that way himself.
A loud crack notified Dumbledore that someone had apparated just outside the bar.
As Narcissa walked in Dumbledore gave a small sigh of relief.
"Why did you summon me here Dumbledore?" Narcissa asked taking a seat.
"I needed to check you were alright" Dumbledore answered.
" what made you think I wasn't alright?" She asked
"Loriana had s nightmare about you. She said you were tortured by Voldemort for information on her and when you wouldn't tell him he killed you" Dumbledore stated to the shocked woman.
"Does she know..." Narcissa began
"No, she didn't realise but she was still distraught" Dumbledore cut across her.
Narcissa sighed "so she is still safe. I am obviously fine. I also have some more information on Potters Prophecy"
"What do you know" Dumbledore asked
"The dark Lord knows it is in the ministry and he is going to set a trap for the boy. He will use the boys loved ones against him. I believe you should have Severus teach him Occlumency to protect his mind" Narcissa warned
" thank you Narcissa I believe that would be wise as well" Dumbledore said smiling
Narcissa nodded and stood leaving the bar to get home to her family. Lucius would be furious that she left in the first place but she could handle her husband.
First new chapter in a long time thank for your votes and comments everyone