Chapter 19

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Kira Palmer

Anna threw question after question at me about my relationship with her son. I told her how we met and I told her how I was raised to believe he wasn't the best person to be around, safe to say I underplayed it.

She didn't seem very surprised that my old Alpha had shifted the blame onto her pack. Apparently my old pack never  once owned up to the things they had done years before. She did however seem relieved that I had believed Tyler when he told me the truth and she was thrilled that our relationship was growing stronger by the day.

She even told me the story of how she met Peter. I was surprised to learn that he pushed her away in the early stages of their relationship. They had met a month after Peter killed Marcus and gained control. He was still on edge and trained himself and everyone else strictly to have no soft spots. When he met Anna he thought she would make him weak, which he couldn't afford since he had finally earned his pack back. He resisted claiming her and it took weeks before they could even have a proper conversation. Hearing this surprised me immensely, they seemed so close and in love that I couldn't imagine Peter ever refusing her.

I became very close to Anna by the end of the night. She made me feel like I truly belonged with her and her family and I couldn't help but feel happy about that. It did however make me miss my own family. I had only spoken to my mother and that conversation didn't go well. I missed Connor and my dad, I had been selfish not to call them and ask how they were doing.

After walking Peter and Anna out and promising to see them soon I was grabbed by the waist and lifted into Tyler's arms. I squealed at the unexpected movement.

"They love you." He told me smiling like a mad man.

"I'm easy to love." I joked wiggling in his arms.

Tyler scoffed and began carrying me upstairs, "that you are."

I blushed uncontrollably and didn't respond. Did he indirectly say he loves me?

He opened the door to the bedroom and sat me down on the bed. He put the tv on and groaned when I told him to leave on project runway.

I laid in his arms while he ran his fingers through my hair. "Tyler?"

"Mmh?" He hummed.

"Can I call my mom?" I asked not looking up at him.

"Now?" He questioned picking up his arm and looking at the watch on his wrist.

"Being with your family kind of made me miss mine." I confessed.

"You can try." He shifted to pull out his cellphone from his pocket. I took it gratefully and went to move away from him.

"I'll be back." I told him leaving the room and going downstairs to the kitchen. I sat at the counter and debated what exactly I would say. I dialed the number exhaling in hopes to ease my nerves.

The phone was picked up immediately. "Hello?" I heard my mom ask.

"Don't hang up." I rushed.

"I'm happy you called again." She confessed.

"I wanted to say that I'm sorry that I freaked out earlier but my wolf didn't like you talking badly about her mate and I don't really know what came over me. I couldn't control it, it just happened." I apologized feeling the guilt all over again.

"It's alright honey, you're confused." My mom soothed. I ignored her comment and focused on the matter at hand.

"Mom I called because I needed to talk to you. Hollow Peak and Crescent Hill are going to war." I told her urgently.

"Your father told me." She replied and I tried not to be surprised. My dad was a strong wolf so it would make sense that he knew of what was to come.

"It's not for the reason you think. Mom, everything we've been told about Hollow Peak is a lie. Alpha Drake's father took over this pack and killed it's alpha about 40 years ago. Tyler's father was able to gain back control after about 3 years of misery and basically slavery. Alpha Drake and Tyler's dad both signed a treaty saying they would leave each others packs alone but now Scott is refusing to sign it. There's no other way! We can't let him try anything against us again!" I felt my frustration growing as I went on.

"Kira, I think you need to come home." Was the simple response I received.

"What?" I asked absolutely dumbfounded. I had just told her everything she had known was a lie and she had nothing to say about it?

"I don't think it's healthy for you to be in a place where they're twisting stories and trying to justify their barbaric actions with lies." She spoke coldly.

"You don't understand. They aren't lying! There's history books and the treaty is real! I was there when Scott called and said he wouldn't sign it." I responded hoping she would trust me.

"Drake wouldn't lie about this. He's a good man." She scolded. Once again my anger began to rise.

"Why don't you go and ask him then? Go and ask him how his father was a monster who killed people and enslaved an entire pack for 3 years." I shot back.

I heard silence for the next couple of seconds. I sighed and began to speak again, "look I'm telling you this because I want you to leave and join my pack. You'd be safe here and I wouldn't have to worry about dad or Connor being killed in a war. Not to mention you're on the wrong side anyway."

"I have to go." Was all I heard before the dial tone that soon followed.

I looked at the phone in utter shock and I realized she didn't believe me. There was nothing I could do or say that would make her believe me, she wouldn't listen. She had lived the lie for too long and trusted the wrong people.

"Want to talk about it?" I heard from behind me making me jump. I turned to face Tyler and shook my head. I walked past him and back into the bedroom.

"She'll come around. She's just surprised." He told me as I felt the bed dip.

"Doubtful." I mumbled. His body was now pressed against my back and his arms wrapped around my waist.

"She needs time to process it. She'll call again and when she does you'll be ready." I turned in his arms to face him. I underestimated how close he was when our noses were almost touching.

"Do you really think so?" I asked hearing how broken I sounded.

"I really do." He responded tucking my head into his chest.

I enjoyed the comfort Tyler was offering and soon began to stop thinking about my mother.

She would come around soon.
She had to.


So I'm assuming not a lot of people are really liking Kira's mom after this....

She may be in shock or she may just be a sucky person but WHO KNOWS

Oh Right I do:)))))

Hope ya liked it !

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