Chapter 23

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Tyler Leighton

"No Mom, tonight isn't the best night." I told her through the phone. Once again she had been asking to come see Kira and I, considering all that had happened today I didn't think it was a good idea.

"Fine," she groaned, "i'll just sit here bored all night."

"Don't guilt me. Kira isn't in a great mood and I don't want to make her pretend to be." I finally told her the truth hoping it would get her to back off.

"What did you do?" My mother accused.

"Nothing bad. She's just having a rough time, everything is fine." I assured.

"Ok well let me know when everything is better and I'll stop by." I heard the tone in her voice and there was no way I'd get out of it.

"Ok Mom, I have to go now." I hung up the phone after saying our goodbyes and groaned putting my head in my hands.

I had never been so frustrated with a situation in my entire life. If Scott would have just signed the treaty none of this would have happened. We wouldn't have had to look at Kira's brother as a threat and she wouldn't be upset right now. I didn't really care that she was mad at me, I knew I did the right thing. I did what any other Alpha would have done while involved in a war. What bothered me about the situation was that I knew she was hurt and I couldn't fix that. The only thing that would heal her wounds was time.

I wished she wasn't from Crescent Hill.

Immediately after that thought I felt guilty. If she wasn't from Crescent she wouldn't be the same Kira I know and love. Sure she'd look the same but her experiences and actions would have been different. She's perfect as she is, no matter where she comes from.

Alpha I need to talk to you. John's voice rang through my mind.

Is Kira alright? I questioned frantically.

She's fine. It's about her brother, it's important. I let out a sigh of relief.

Come to the warehouse. I sent back and started to wonder what he had to say.

I wasn't sure what he could tell me about Kira's brother that I didn't already know. Declan and Logan had done a background check already and given me all the files found. He was a fairly normal guy and never ran into any big kinds of trouble. I didn't have much time to continue my thought process before I felt John's arrival.

"Alpha." John nodded before taking a seat across from me.

"What's going on?" I asked getting straight to the point.

"Kira was telling me about her talk with Connor. She said he was saying he's guilty because he's been doing their dirty work. I told her she needed to tell you and she said she would but when he came down into the room I couldn't wait." John almost looked guilty, like he was going against Kira.

"Couldn't wait for what?" I quizzed curiously.

"I recognized his scent. It's been dangerously close to our pack boarders for awhile now. He's been spying." As soon as his response left his mouth I groaned internally.

"We need to know what he's told them." I finally replied.

Of course her brother had to be their spy. Why would it ever be something easy to deal with? Now I had to question Connor and find out what information he has been giving to the enemy. I was aware that he didn't know what he was doing, he didn't know the real story about his beloved pack. But the information he has already given them can be dangerous to my pack. I briefly wondered why they would even pick him for a spy. He was a normal wolf, no high rank or strong bloodline.

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