The Second Chapter

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Kian's POV

I finally catch up to Sam right around the door. I grab him and take him outside against his will. One we're put of the building and into an alley I start to question him.

"Sam..." I can't finish a single statement.

"Surprise?" He says quietly.

"What'a going..?" I start again. I still have the bleached brunette pinned against the wall but I just slump into his topless body. I can't believe it. My baby. Why would he ever... Does Jake know?

"Look, I'd love to stay and explain myself but I have to get back to work. I'll stop by yours tomorrow to explain? I usually leave their places around 5 in the morning so then I'll go home and shower, probably be over at 7ish?" He rushes out, playing with little strands on my hair. What?

"Wait.. whose places?" I know I'll regret this.

"Uh, my uh... my clients. I'm usually bought for overnight stays.." I feel him frown against my head and I feel moisture. He's crying.

"What do you do while your there?"

"I uh, um. I have to do whatever they want me to basically... Kiki, I'm so sorry. I didn't want you to find out but I really need to g-"

No, that's not happening.

"Let me buy you for the night." I demand. He's not going home with anymore strangers. Ever.

"Kian.. no. Honestly, 's too much. You don't have to. I'm fine.. you don't have to waste your money on me."

"Sam. We're going back to mine and we're going to do whatever you want okay?" I pull back and caress the sides of his face to make him look at me. "You're worth more than I, or anyone, could ever pay. So paying a few hundred, few thousand.. It's worth it if it's you."

He gives a small smile and nods. He looks close to tears so I pull his tiny body to mine. After a short embrace, I wrap my arm around his shoulder and realize that the small boy is shivering.

"Awh, um. Not that you don't look fucking fantastic in those shorts but uh, do you have any other clothes inside?" I ask after subtly checking out his ass.

His cheeks turn even darker than the unnatural red that they are tonight and he looks down a bit. "No, uh. I need to get my phone and keys though. We can go through the back so none of the other boys see me like this?" He suggests and I just mumble an okay. Upset that this even happened.

When we enter, I immediately see a halfway of doors and about eight strippers.

"Hey John"

"Hey, J Carter really has a nice one tonight"

"Jay, who's this?" A blonde stripper with a bright purple streak through her hair and fake eyelashes asks. She wearing a tiny blue bra and even tinier bottoms. She's kinda hot though.

"Cinna... This is my client. He wants an overnight stay and please, call me John. Jay sounds like I'm a fourteen year old jock." Sam smiles to Cinna and I suddenly don't like her.

Wait, who's John? My question is answered when Sam leads me to a door right past the busty lady. The sign says John Carter and I realize that must be his stripper name. We go inside the tiny room that's apparently his.

"Sorry, it's kind of a mess." It's not a mess. The dark room is slightly illuminated by the lights above a mirror that covers over half the wall. There's a desk with a compact, fishnets, and Sam's things on top of it. There's some costumes thrown askew across the small love seat and the chair by the desk. "You can take a, seat for a moment." He bends over and moves some of the tiny shorts and revealing clothes from the love seat. This isn't the right time but he's bent over in tiny shorts and I'm going hazy at the sight of his round bottom.

I shake the thoughts out of my head and take a seat.

"I'll be quick but I wanna take off this stupid blush." He murmurs something about his much he hates his cheeks and goes into a second door which I'm assuming is his own bathroom. While he's washing his face I decide to look around a little more. There's a shoe rack by the door, most are stilettos. There's a silly robe on a hook by the mirror. And there's a little storage container with drawers. Curiosity takes over me and I go to the drawers. I pull open the first one.

Condoms. Lots of them. At least 50.

I shiver, close it, and open the second.

Lube. Lots of it. Almost all being flavored. I pick up a light pink bottle. Bubble gum? I'd certainly consider it..

I move onto the third drawer and find a varied collection of toys. Vibrators, a ring, handcuffs, a whip?!

Men use this on my precious best friend? My poor baby..

"Uh, I'm ready to go now." The sound of Sam's voice startles me. I quickly shut the drawer and turn back to him.

"They're allowed to hurt you? Sam?" I ask and stare at him, wide eyed in surprise, from two feet away.

"They can. They have to pay extra and I have the healing time off if they hurt me that bad." Sammers says casually. My baby.. "It's part of pleasing the customers. Whatever they want, they get basically. Obviously there's a couple restrictions but we can get to that later."

"Does Jake know?"

"Kian, can we discuss this at your house? I don't wanna be here if I can be there."

Awh.. "Definitely."

I lead him this time by grabbing his hand and dragging him back out of the room. We pass Cinna and she waves and winks to Sam but he just starts to sneak closer to me.

"Ignore her." He says and so we continue walking out the door. After we're out of the alley I realize how revealed Sam is to the men on the curb so I wrap my arm around him possessively. I glare at them before rushing Sam and I to my car. Thankfully, we came in two cars, mine and Connor's.

I open Sam's door for him, like a gentleman. Once he's all buckled in, I shut his and run around the front of the car before getting into the drivers side.

We're only about halfway home when Sam starting fidgeting.

"You okay?" I put my hand on one of his fishnetted thighs.

"Yeah, just feeling a bit insecure I guess." He frowns a little before he realizes that he is and corrects it to a small smile.

"You have absolutely no reason to. Sam, your the guy everyone wants, no matter what gender. Like, back there in that club.. so many eyes were on you... Everywhere you go there's always eyes on you. Because your tiny. Because your cheeks are so cute and you have the most beautiful eyes. Because everyone would like to know what you look like under them. Everyone wants you." I say, still keeping my eyes on the road. After my speech, I glance over to him and he's still frowning so I try a different approach. I pull the car over to the shoulder of the road. It catches his attention and he looks at me looking at him.

"Kian, what're we doing?

"Your laugh is like music and your smile is bright enough to light the deepest pits of the earth. You know how to make me giggle whenever my girlfriend and I get in a fight or someone close to me dies. You take care of me when I'm sick but never let me return the favour. You run your hand through your hair when you're frustrated. Speaking of, please dye it back to brunette. Anyway, you like to buy Starbucks because it's warm and creamy and "orgasmic". You always use your manners and your one of the sweetest guys I've ever met. You treat your boyfriend like a king. And although Jake doesn't really deserve you, he's so fortunate to have someone like you to call his because your amazing and gorgeous and it kills us that you don't see that. Now, were going to go back home, we're going to cuddle and eat caramel corn and just talk about everything until dawn. Okay?" I'm surprised when instead of a verbal answer I have a skimply dressed boy jump toward me with open arms.

I take in all of his thank yous and rub his back until he pulls away smiling. I start the car again and finish our journey home.

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