The Fifth Chapter

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Upon awakening, we decide it would be best for us to pack some of my things and go to stay with the guys at their place. So now, here I am, putting my things in the guest bedroom. I was going to ask Kian if we were to share a room for the duration but that's far too past the line of being okay.

After putting away my necessities, I decide to go and see what Kian's up to. However, I wish I hadn't. Of course, it is completely okay for Kian to have other friends but God does it hurt when you go to ask him to hang out but instead you see him cuddling with the one who is truly his best friend.

I peek through the crack of Kian's room and see JC in Kian's pajamas, curled up to Kian's chest, much like I have been lately.


You're nothing special

Dirt to him

JC is his best friend

Back off

I go with my mind and slowly turn away. Unfortunately, JC seems to have noticed me and calls me over.

"Hey, Sam?"


"Yeah?" I whisper and peek my head into the doorway. Kian looks up at me and smirks so I smile back softly.

I return my attention back to JC who called me in here in the first place.

"Kiki and I are going to go out to lunch with some guys. You wanna come?" JC asks from his

Lunch with Kian?

"Definitely." I reply.

"Okay, well, be ready in ten."

I nod and shyly scoot out of the room. I quickly change my shirt and style my hair before running downstairs to meet the guys at the car. I hop into the backseat and realize the duo is already ready to go. I apologize quietly and sit back, waiting for Kian to start driving.

Soon, we're parked behind a taco joint. See, this wouldn't be a big deal but with the job I have, we're not allowed to have the luxurious burgers and fries. We have to stay trim for the shows.

JC gets out and I feel my hands start to shake as i reach for the handle but my door suddenly opens and a heart-eyed Kian Lawley opens my door for me.

I smile softly and try to stop my hands from shaking but his eyes drift to my fingers.

"Sam, baby, are you okay?" He asks and forces his way between my knees. His hands move up to caress my face.

"Yeah, I just uh.. Not sure if my boss would allow me to eat here.." I trail off hoping he'll understand but unfortunately it looks like I'm going to have to be specific. "We have to be hot Ki.. I'm not and this won't help." His hands move down to my trembling ones and soon the unexpected happens.

He kisses me. Hard.

Kian basically jumps into the Ranger with me and pins me to the backseat before slamming his lips into mine. His lips are tender, like he's been biting on them. But I guess its my turn to do that..

The sizzles between our mouths are enough to support my thoughts of loving him.

He drags his tongue across my teeth and starts to grind on me when I remember what we were talking about. I try pulling away but even my own body resists. However, I know how important our discussions are so I force my face to forget his for a moment.

"Mm, Kian. Breathe." I say between smaller kisses. Ki's hips lower into mine as he rests his body on me. "So wanna explain?" I say with a tone so he knows I enjoyed it.

"You're so fucking irresistible.. You have no clue how long I've been waiting to do that." He pants, still out of breath from our many minutes make out.

"You could have done it a long time ago, Ki." I mumble and look down.

"Hmm?" Thank god he didn't hear me.

"Shouldn't we go inside now? They're probably wondering where you are."

"Yeah, I'm just waiting for a little something to go away first." He gives a tiny thrust for emphasis on his erection but it results in my own hips going up to his for much needed friction. "Fuck, that's not helping." He murmurs yet pulls my body to his as he stands up straight. He holds my hands and instructs me to walk closely in front of him to hide his mini Ki.

We stumble to the booth where JC is sitting with a couple of others.

"Hey, we ordered a jumbo taco salad for you guys, I hope you don't mind." JC says upon our arrival. I quickly slide,into the booth and Kian sits right beside me.

"Works for me." I mumble and Kian nods.

I finally look up to see who we're eating with and of the four other people here with me, Joel, the jerk who videotaped me, is directly across from me. I tense up when his jaw drops at the realization and Kian seems to notice my tight muscles and puts a hand on my thigh.

Memories from the club start flooding back and I can't do it.

"May I be excused for a moment?" I squeak out and refuse to wait for an answer while running to the restroom. Of course, Kian follows and stars calling my name as I reach the singular bathroom. I close the door and turn the lock before he has a chance to touch me again. I start trembling with the thoughts of sex and lust and I can feel the filth left on my shin by various men and yet I can also feel the clean patch of pureness that Kian's hand left on my leg.

I start heavy breathing and decide to crack the door open to get some fresh air; however, the brown haired sunshine bursts in and attacks me in a hug.

"Breathe, just breathe babe." He whispers in my ear and eventually my breathing evens out. "Do you wanna tell me what was wrong or..?" He trails off.

Can you trust him?

Of course I can.

"Promise me that you won't get mad." I beg. Kian holds out his pinky and I loop mine with his before continuing to speak. "The, uh... that was the guy wh-". The pressure around my figure increases and so I pause. "Atnthe club, that was the guy with the video camera." I whisper and before I know it, Kian has kissed me and is storming his way to Joel and I feel so light headed that my eyes shut and my mind stings.

a/n lol srry

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2016 ⏰

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