The Fourth Chapter

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It's been two days and I can tell Kian's already tired of me. He's been paying for me but apparently he couldn't tonight because he had plans with JC so that's why I'm here, on some strangers lap, seeing how much they'll pay for me tonight.

He's a relatively nice looking guy. His hair is styled in a tall, soft quiff and his teeth are super white. From what I can feel, he's quite fit and quite... large.

"How does fifteen hundred sound?" He whispers into my ear sensually as if it will make the number seem greater than it is.

"Okay, let's go." I say and lift off of his lap and I lead him to the back by his belt loop. We stop in front of John Carter's room and are about to enter until Cinna pops by.

"Hey Johnny... Who's this?" She says, probably suspicious on why it's not Ki.

I look at the godlike boy as if to tell him to answer. "'m Joel"

I then interrupt. "Well I'd love to stay and chat but we have done things to do.." I mumble and take him into my room by the hips.

"Oh, eager are we?" Joey commented.

As if. I don't wanna do this.

"You know it baby." I whimper and that sound let's him take over.

He takes my wrist and leads me to the couch. He loses his loving demeanor and shoves me face down to bend over the couch. He drags down my girly panties and starts to prep.

This is fairly normal. Soon, he starts pounding into me. Everything is normal and I'm throwing pornstar moans out with his name, Joey? That is, until I hear a camera click. Pictures? That's not prohibited but it's my first time with them. I wait for another click and many come. And then there's a video boop. I take the fucking like champ as always and he leaves me with a sore hole and a pool of disappointment. After cleaning up some, I change into a clean outfit and leave for the night.

You let that man tape you. You let him take pictures. Fucking filth. What if Kian found out?

I'm halfway down the hall when someone calls my name. Slowly turning, I realize it's the devil himself, Ki. Tears fall silently down my cheeks and he runs to hug me as if we're dating.

"Hey, I miss you!" He says kissing my tear-stained cheek.

"Hey, I thought you we're going to be with Andrea or whoever tonight." I say making sure he doesn't realize my tragedy.

"Well... Yeah. JC and I were having a guys night.." He says slowly swaying with me

"Why'd you leave him?" I ask concerned for his friendship.

"Well you obviously need me more. Cinna was telling me that you lead some jerk into your room. Are you okay?" He starts and looks down at me. "Did he hurt you? What happened?" He bends down slightly to look me in the eye.

"Kian... I'm fine he just... he brought a camera.." I mumble, defeated.

"That bastard." I fall into his chest and he carries me out of the door and into the cold. It's dark and I'm cold so I press my body even closer to his... for body heat?

"Jake called. He says he's staying upstate for the week, some business thing. He was wondering if I'd take care of you. I told him I would." He says quietly. "We can stay at yours or mine. It's not a big deal. I just wanna take care of you." He adds on even quieter.

"We can stay at mine tonight?" I suggest. I don't want to but I also don't want to burden him more than I have already. He gives a reassuring nod and leads me to his car.

After a short, and silent, drive, we pull into the driveway of my apartment complex. I open my door and climb out of his car wordlessly, as does he. Moments later, I walk closer to him and break the silence.

"Come." I demand gently to the tan being beside me. He smiles and takes my hand.

I live on the highest floor and normally I would take the stairs to lose some of my extra fat but seeing as Kian's with me, I lead him to our platinum elevator and we go up to the top: 12th floor. Once the doors open, I lead him down to the end of the hall and, ultimately, to my door Q12 and take my keys out on the way.

"The spare key is taped on top of the window over there." I mention and point to a window a few feet away. "In case you ever need a place to crash I guess." I mumble as I open the door.

"But would Jake be okay with me just randomly staying with you guys?" He asks and glances around while we shed our shoes and jackets.

"I uh... He doesn't live with me. I live on my own." I say and glance around my home.

It's a really basic theme of white. To the left is my living room which has a hall leading to my room with my ensuite. And on the right is my kitchen, dining area and another small hall with the main bathroom, a linen closet, and a storage room.

"Oh. Doesn't it get lonely?" Kian asks.

"It's hard to be lonely when you're sleeping with someone different every night." I snort. I find it funny but when I look at his reaction he's just cringing.

Because you're disgusting.

"Uh, I'm sorry. That wasn't supposed to come out like that." I mumble and he just gives me a sorry nod. I wait a few moments for a response but when I don't get one I decide to continue. "Uh, you can sleep in my bed, I'll just be out here." I tell Kian and point him toward my room. I go to the linen closet and grab a few blankets for the chilly fall weather. I get back to the lounge area and see Kian still standing by the futon. I give him a questioning look.

"Come on.." He comments, grabs my blankets, and takes me to the room as well.

"Ki.. What-?" I start.

"Three things. First, I'm not making you sleep on your couch in your own house. Secondly, we've slept together in some of the most intimate ways." He brings me closet before continuing. I blush a dark red and nuzzle into him. "Lastly, I just really want to cuddle with you." He drops the blankets and basically body slams me into the mattress.

We laugh for a bit until I suddenly realize how close he is to me. I take a deep intake of breath and literally stare at the beautiful being in front of me.

I don't realize how creepy it must be for him until he says my name a number of times.

"Sammers?" He moves a got closer.

"Hmm....- what?!" I exclaim coming back from my own thoughts.

"I just asked what we're wearing to bed but you just stated at me..."

Of course, now he's going to think you're creepy.

What are you guys wearing to bed?

Well I'm kinda chubby so...

"Uh, I'll probably just wear some sweats and a hoodies but you can wear whatever.."

"It's like eighty degrees, Sam. There's no way that's going to be light enough." He mumbles and I just shake my head but he ignores it. "Here, lemme.." He says softly and lifts my shirt over my ribs and eventually past my fingertips. After throwing it on the floor, he puts his hands inter the band of my basketball shorts and slides them down. I exhale deeply but he doesn't seem to notice.

Between all of the gentle touches and fragile affection, I seen to drift off to one of the best rests I've ever had.

a/n lol srry

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