Chapter 3 - Behold Our Castaways

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As Lucy reached the surface she was in no doubt of where they all were? There was a special kind of warmth that came from the beating sun above and the sea air had a sweetness to it when you breathed it in. It was unique only to Narnia.

Edmund, Lauren and Eustace pierced through the water soon after Lucy and whilst Edmund looked happier than he usually did taking it all in, Lauren was in complete in shock frozen still in the water and Eustace screamed in terror, not having any comprehension of what was happening.

Lauren couldn't quite grasp what was going on. One moment she was standing in her bedroom squabbling with Eustace and the next she was floating in the sea of some strange land. She turned on the spot making sure all her cousins were there before catching sight of a mighty ship approaching them quickly. It was the ship from the painting, she was sure of it.

It was unlike anything she had seen before. The bow of the ship held the emblem of a giant dragon, an animal so majestic that you could not help feeling certain unease when peering into its stone eyes. Lauren looked up above the dragons head for just a moment and caught sight of a billowing purple sail that was carrying the ship even closer towards her and her family. They had to get away, swim as fast as they could; it was getting way too close now.

"Lauren, Eustace swim." Lucy screamed obviously having the same idea as her elder cousin.

Eustace, Edmund and Lucy swam close together avoiding the ship but Lauren had drifted away from them slightly and had no choice but to swim in the opposite direction. It was all happening so fast. She had avoided the close encounter but had her cousins? Did they swim fast enough?

"What's going on?" Eustace cried in terror swimming alongside his cousins.

"Just keep swimming. Move, move." Edmund shouted in response.

Lucy was the weakest swimmer of the four so it was not long before her swimming lost momentum and she briefly sunk back into the oceans darkness.

Luckily the people floating in the water hadn't gone unnoticed to the crew aboard the Dawn Treader and they were quick to come to their rescue.

"It's all right. I've got you." Lucy's rescuer assured, pulling her back up for air.

"Caspian!" Lucy acknowledged in delight as Edmund and Eustace were also retrieved by various members of the crew. It had all happened in such a short amount of time that the trio didn't even have time to register that one of their own was missing.

"Lucy." Caspian smiled.

"I don't wanna go. I want to go back to England. I'm going back to England." Eustace teared trying to get away from the strong arms that were pulling him towards the ship and safety.

On the other side of the ship and out of the others view Lauren bobbed up and down in the water, getting more weary by the second. The grand ship that had now come to stop in front of her was the biggest she had ever seen. She silently prayed that her cousins had managed to get to safety and that someone would spot her floating below before the ship continued its unknown journey.

"Hold on." Caspian urged Lucy as they were both lifted on to the ship's deck, closely followed by Edmund and Eustace. The young Pevensie couldn't believe she was back in Narnia after so long.

"That was thrilling." She said to Caspian as he wrapped a towel around her once safely on board.

"Caspian." Edmund called from behind, eager to get the attention of his old friend.

"Edmund." The young King smiled in response excited to see the closest people he had to family.

"How on earth did you get here?" Caspian giggled as they all huddled up surrounded by the ship's crew.

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