Chapter 8 - A Shooting Star

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Eustace ran, tripping over his feet as he headed for the main deck and the grinning faces of all the crew. All finally witnessing the young boy getting the punishment he deserved.

"Oh my god this is so funny." Edmund practically cried with laughter as he watched Eustace raise swords with Reepicheep.

"It's no more than he deserves." Caspian smiled, with arms crossed.

"Trying to run away?" Reep questioned out loud, swinging in front of Eustace on a rope so he had nowhere to go.

"We're on a boat you know." The little mouse mocked, landing in front of the quivering boy and holding the blade out in front of him.

"Look, can't we just discuss this?" Eustace begged, looking at the faces of his family for help. None of them stepping forward.

"That was for stealing." Reep said before cutting Eustace's trouser brace with the sword, not acknowledging the comment Eustace had made about discussing the situation.

"That was for lying." The little mouse continued making another slice into Eustace's shirt and latching hold of the orange that was hidden within.

"And that was for good measure." Reepicheep finished, smacking Eustace around the face with the orange he had just obtained.

He'd really done it now. Eustace was seething with rage and before he knew it, he was lifting his own blade and swinging it towards the mouse that had just humiliated him.

"That's the spirit." Reep shouted, jumping straight out of Eustace's path as the crew looked on.

"Lauren, Lucy you have to come and see this." Edmund called, still chuckling when he found them.

"Eustace and Reep are sword fighting. You don't wanna miss this." Ed continued, practically pulling them along.

When Lauren saw the two of them fighting she couldn't help but grin widely.

"See I told you to leave it. He's getting his comeuppance now." She said to Caspian who was still watching from the side of the deck. His smile couldn't get any wider if he wanted it to. This was something none of them would forget in a hurry.

"Now come on take your best shot." Reep said, egging Eustace on as he jumped around every inch of the ship, driving the boy crazy.

"He is going for it though, I'll give him that." Lauren mused giggling along with Lucy who couldn't stop the tears falling from her eyes.

"Stop flapping your wings like a drunken pelican. Come on, focus." The mouse said to Eustace. It came across now they weren't fighting a proper duel. Reep was trying to toughen the boy up, not that the boy himself knew that.

For the next 10 minutes Reep drove Eustace to the brink. Reepicheep was swinging his sword at Eustace but at the same time giving him instructions on how to proceed with the duel.

It all came to an end shortly after, Reep finally having enough and knocking Eustace to the floor with the handle of his weapon. The crew cheered for a triumphant Reep and laughed at a now very embarrassed Eustace who was getting to his feet and brushing the dust off of his trouser legs.

"Come on then, back to work." Caspian called out to the crew who responded immediately, breaking apart and getting back to their individual tasks.

"Good match. I'll make a swordsman of you yet." Reep smiled, coming to stop on the rigging at Eustace's side.

Eustace smiled for a moment feeling happy that someone besides his mother was giving him a compliment. It was short winded though. He didn't want Reepicheep to see that he had gotten through to him. So the expression instantly dropped making way for a trademark sarcastic comment.

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