Chapter 19 - Not Just Us

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As the long boats grew closer they knew that the people on board had to be those they had been searching so tirelessly for.

The faces of the lost citizens were ones of relief, joy and wonderment. They had all come to the conclusion that they would be lost in the fog forever but when the ship appeared through the darkness in front of them they knew they had been saved, that the Narnian's had come to their rescue.

As the crew of the Dawn Treader looked on at the people getting closer and closer to them Lauren spotted someone familiar looking amongst them. At first she couldn't quite work out where she had seen this person, and then it hit her.

The woman gazing towards the majestic ship was the same woman Lauren saw being sent off to face the green mist on lone island. She was the wife of one of their crew.

"Mr Rinse." She yelled in delight when she realised that the man had not yet seen his beloved floating in front.

"It's your wife, it's your wife." Lauren finished, Mr Rinse following Lauren's eye line until his eyes settled on his shocked wife sitting in the boat at the side of them.

"Helene." He grinned widely when she looked over and saw his face beaming at her.

The crew stared on silently, their hearts jumping at the sight of the reunion going on right before their very eyes.

Mr Rinse, not able to be apart from his wife a moment longer lent back and then took a running leap into the clear blue sea down below. He swam as fast as he could to the long boats side not stopping until he reached his lost love.

Without saying a word Edmund walked over to his little sister and put his arm around her. It had been a long time coming and it was the hardest task they had ever faced in Narnia but it was over, they had succeeded and they were all still alive. Edmund had never been so proud of his family and confidants, he felt so elated.

"Can you actually believe it's over?" Lauren asked Caspian as they held each other arm in arm, looking out to the sea of new faces that had just arrived.

"Oh I believe it. When I look into your eyes and see that gorgeous smile, that's when I believe it. I've never seen you look so happy." Caspian smiled with pride, stroking the side of her face with his thumb.

"I don't think I have ever been as happy as this, at least not in a long time." Lauren smiled back, placing a soft kiss on Caspian's cheek before he let go, ready to instruct the crew on their next plans.

"Let's have them on board. Clear the decks." The King said in a happy tone. His voice sounded so light, so without worry. His father would have been so proud watching his son in that moment.

After the crew were on task Lauren and Caspian walked over to Lucy and Edmund, all four looking on whilst the crew helped the rescued Narnian's get on board the Dawn Treader.

"We did it." Lucy began, a chirp of happiness in her voice when she said it.

"I knew we would." Edmund added, confidence seeping through that hadn't been there just a few short hours ago.

Lauren thought on these words and at her cousins standing by her side and that's when she realised that one of them was missing, the one who had in actual fact saved each and every one of them.

"It wasn't just us there." The oldest Pevensie thought aloud, the others like her remembering suddenly who was not with them.

"You mean..." Caspian began, interrupted suddenly by a familiar voice calling them from somewhere nearby.

"Hey, I'm down here. Lucy, Edmund, Lauren." Eustace called floating in the sea on the other side of the ship.

Somehow, someway Eustace had travelled from Ramandu's Island back to the ship. How he got there he had no idea, all he did know was that it had something to do with the huge shaft of blue light that travelled from the island to where he was now. A portal if you will.

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