Chapter 18 - We Can Beat This

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In the moments after the serpents attack Edmund saw his short life flash before his eyes. As the jaw engulfed around him he thought back to happier times. His first adventure in Narnia, meeting Caspian who had become his closest friend and coming back here with Lauren, watching her become an amazing women before his eyes. He had, had an amazing life for someone so young and he wasn't about to give up on it now.

He grabbed hold of a piece of debris, remnants of the dragon insignia that once marked the bow of the Dawn Treader. He held it tightly in hand and thrust it upwards right into the serpents mouth. The pain that shot through the creature after Edmund's quick thinking sent it screeching backwards, giving the young king enough time to readjust and get back into an optimum position.

Down on the deck Edmunds family and closest friend watched on, their hearts in their throats until they saw their beloved Ed poke his head over the debris field. He was alive, shaken but alive and breathing. They were sure he was done for and they couldn't believe his luck.

When Caspian saw that Edmund was ok he proceeded with their original plan of ramming the serpent against the rocks. He moved the ship forward, now even more determined to succeed.

As they got closer to the rocks and Lauren and Lucy watched Edmund still battling the creature at the front of the ship the oldest Pevensie decided it was time to make some real progress, to change the outcome of this battle.

"Mr Drinian can I borrow your dagger?" Lauren shouted through the rain as Caspian and Lucy listened on.

"Ummm yes miss." Drinian said, handing over his own blade and wondering what she was planning on doing.

Caspian had seen this exchange and he wasn't about to let Lauren do anything stupid. He handed the wheel to Drinian, moving over to Laurens side before she did anything they would all end up regretting.

"Lauren what are you doing?" He shouted at her over the crews screams, Lucy listening on intently.

"Caspian we have to end this now, before anyone else gets hurt. I won't be the damsel in distress anymore." She replied with a sudden burst of confidence. She wasn't going to let this thing hurt anymore of the people she loved.

"Lauren, there is nothing you can do, not with one dagger." Lucy argued not knowing what she had planned.

"Caspian do you remember that book you showed me in your room about legendary creatures of Narnia?" Lauren asked, trying to prove her point.

"Yes, what are you trying to say?" he responded, the battle still going on around them and Edmund struggling to keep the creature busy.

"In the book it says that a sea serpents weakest spot is the eye. We strike its eye and that will founder it at least for a while. We just need the advantage for long enough to get it near the rocks." Lauren reminded the king before continuing.

"I'm going to throw the dagger and hit the serpent in the eye. It will give Edmund enough time to get out of harm's way and we can ram it." She finished looking at Caspian and Lucy for approval.

"What if you hit Ed?" Lucy worried, holding onto Laurens arm to make sure she understood the dangers.

Lauren knew this was a risk but it was one they had to take. She could not get close enough to not have to throw the blade, it was the only option. She had done this sort of thing during fencing with the soft blades, they were told it was a surprising way of neutralising the opponent. Lauren had always been good at this, never missing, never faltering. She had to do this to save them all.

"Luc, I would never suggest doing this if I thought I would hurt Ed. I know I can do it. You have to trust me." Lauren urged, knowing she wouldn't be able to do it unless Lucy gave her permission.

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