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It was a cold night and it was raining, I was driving to Jason's house listening to Coldplay. When I got there, I saw a car parked which wasn't Jason's car, I rang the bell.

Jason: hey Jenn you're here finally! -he said looking at me with happiness.

Jenn: whose car is that? -I asked wondering.

Jason: oh... I have a surprise for you-he said smiling.

Jenn: um... ok... what does that even mean? -I said, I didn't understand anything at all.

Jason: come in and you'll know -he closed the door behind me and walked towards the living room.

Jenn: Jason quit the games is it something bad? Or good? Or what? -I was losing my patience, besides we were bestfriends so he didn't really have any secrets with me.

Jason: just don't get crazy, relax and sit down -he went to his room.

I didn't understand a damn thing but sure he was hiding something, probably someone, who could that be?

Jason: here, I want you to meet someone -he bursts into the living room when I see someone behind him.

Jenn: yes? -I tried to peek but he was still hiding behind Jason.

Jason: taa daa! -the guy behind turns around and I get to see his face- Jenn I want you to meet Logan, Logan she's Jenn -he says, doing something with his arms like showing Logan to me.

Jenn: h-hi -I said blushing and hardly breathing, his eyes were breath taking and I was actually in front of him, without saying a word and barely looking at him.

Logan: hey I'm Logan, nice to meet you... Jason's been talking a lot about you, Jenn... right? -he shyly said, smiling.

Jenn: y-yes I'm Jennifer Granden... nice to meet you t-too -I said trying not to stutter.

Jason: Logan's going to work with me on a movie -he said excited.

Jenn: really? Why didn't you tell me about this earlier? -I said blushing again and trying to avoid eye contact with Logan.

Jason: you know... it was a secret, since I know how much you... admire Logan's work as an actor and stuff -he said teasing me.

Logan: I feel flattered that you admire my work, thank you so much -he kindly said smiling.

Jenn: oh no please! -I said blushing again and looking down at the floor- I admire your work and the great person you are, even I really don't know you... -I said looking back at him.

Jason: oh but that's not a problem, I'm thinking about taking you to the filming so you two can get to know each other -he said touching my shoulder.

Jenn: wha-what?! Taking ME to the filming of the movie?! Seriously?! Can you do that?! -I said excited.

Jason: yeah of course I can you're my bestfriend -he smiled- but you gotta promise me you won't tell anyone about it and you'll be there without making any trouble -he said mocking me.

Jenn: very funny, sure, I wont make any trouble... -I said a little bit annoyed.

Jason: I was just kidding! Don't look at me like that! -he said making fun of me.

Jenn: well thank you so much then! -I said excited and smiling.

Jason: no problem! -he hugged me while Logan didn't say a thing.

Logan left Jason's house and then I spoke to Jason about how amazing it was that he was actually working with Logan Lerman, the most talented teen actor of the scene, the one who was at the top of his career and just starting, the one I admired so much and obviously went crazy for being gorgeous, having those amazing blue eyes, that pale perfect skin, those eyebrows and that charming smile, he knew how much I admired that kid.

Jason Dolley is one of my bestfriends, I met him at a party with a friend we had in common about two years ago, by that time he wasn't working for Disney Channel anymore, he's actually doing a professional career and making other movies for about a year now. We are very close and always hang around, every single time we go out together and paparazzis see us they think we are dating but he doesn't have a problem saying on interviews that we are just bestfriends. I live in L.A with another one of my bestfriends, Hayley who always supports me and studies design like me. This was going to be an amazing year, the thought of Jason working with Logan for about nine months it was incredibly awesome. I knew I wouldn't be able to talk to Logan just like that, but at least I'd be able to see his work and to see him which was the most important thing rather than having a conversation, besides I didn't really want to feel like a fangirl bothering him with stupid silly conversations about his work. I was thinking about only going there, watch and shut my mouth. I was excited.

Casualty Of Love (Logan Lerman / completed)Where stories live. Discover now