Chapter five.

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It was Friday in the afternoon, Logan and Jason were on a break eating some snacks together.

Logan: is Jenn sick? I haven't seen her these past two weeks

Jason: no, she's been hanging out with Jake a lot lately

Logan: oh Jake... her bf right?

Jason: it's not her bf...

Logan: I see

Jason: yup

Logan: wanna grab some sushi later?

Jason: sounds great!

Logan: you can tell Jenn to come too -he smiled.

Jason: I doubt that she will go but I'll tell her

Logan: is she that busy?

Jason: yeah

Logan: oh ok -he said confused.

[While Jake and I were just going out of the movies]

Jake: are you ok? You seem lost in your thoughts -he said worried.

Jenn: oh, sorry Im fine

Jake: you're not, what's wrong? Maybe I can help

Jenn: not really, because Im the problem

Jake: what? Cmon don't say that

Jenn: but it's the truth I fall too fast

Jake: uh... -he looked at me thinking I was talking about him.

Jenn: look Jake Im going to be straight honest, these two weeks I really tried, I gave "us" a try but I... I have a huge crush in someone else and I can't seem to make it go away... and I don't really want to hurt you and... you shouldn't be wasting your time with me either.

Jake: Don't say that, people go out because of these things, you never know if it will work if you don't give it a try, right?

Jenn: right...

Jake: now, who is this crush? maybe I can help you -he smiled.

Jenn: no... it's a stupid crush, I'll figure it out myself...

Jake: stupid? No crush is stupid

Jenn: trust me this one is

Jake: why?

Jenn: because is like having a crush on Jared Leto or Alex Pettyfer

Jake: you mean platonic crushes?

Jenn: I mean impossible crushes and you know it wont ever work out because they barely know who I am

Jake: ok... go on

Jenn: but what if I have the chance to meet one of them, to actually hang out and talk about his life and mine, get to know each other just like Im doing with you, what if?

Jake: actually Im going to tell you something, not every "celebrity" dates another "celebrity" when love knoks at your door it just happens -he smiled.

Jenn: but...

Jake: sometimes you have to fight for things to happen, sometimes you have it right in your nose but you just don't see it

Jenn: yeah

Jake: just enjoy the ride, see what happens

Jenn: thank you Jake... and Im sorry for making you waste your time with me

Jake: waste? There's no waste, I had fun, you had fun, we're friends after all, right?

Jenn: y-yeah -I said impressed.

[The next morning, during the filming]

Kyle: "Im not coming back Matt, I can't go back..."

Matt: "What to you mean you can't? we're together in this, remember?"

Kyle: "I know... and that is exactly what I'm trying to explain!"

Matt: "I give up"

Kyle: "but I don't, giving up it's not a choice... take- take... uhh... take it or-"

X: Logan?

Logan : ... -stood in silence looking at me while I entered the studio.

Jason: you forgot the script? -he said worried.

Logan: uh... no sorry Im just tired that's all -he said looking at Jason again.

X: you need a break? -the director asked.

Logan: yes please... -he smiled.

X: anything else?

Logan: water too please -he went outside the studio and Jason went after him, I followed them.

Jason: you ok Logan? Don't push yourself too hard... -he said worried.

Logan: Im ok I only needed a break that's all

Jenn: hey guys -I smiled walking towards them.

Logan: hey -he reluctanly said.

Jason: hey -he hugged me.

Logan: it's been awhile -he said while we all sat.

Jenn: yeah, I've been really busy with school stuff...

Logan: I see

Jenn: you're lucky to have skipped that part of your life -I laughed.

Logan: I guess -he laughed

Jason: you never wanted to go?

Logan: of course I wanted but... you know it would have been hard to keep up with both school and work at the same time, you see how's Jenn doing right now, just imagine how would it be for me or even you Jason

Jason: yeah u're right I guess -he laughed.

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