Serendipity Chapter 1

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Well, let me start the beginning...the way beginning, of the story of what has come to be.

It all started 12 years ago...

It had been a month since (Male name) had moved to the city of Vale. (Male Name)'s family had a record of switching from city to city since (Male Name)'s father had a habit of getting fired from his jobs. Things would be better this time since his father got a job at the Dust Schnee corps. But even though it was going to get better, (Male Name) always had trouble making friends because of the looks he had gained from his father. A scary and intimidating face he had gained which he had greatly disliked, but upon moving, he instantly befriended a pair of girls, sisters in fact, friends who call each other sisters. The girls' names were Ruby and Yang. Why they would befriend someone scary looking like him, they said past that scary looking face is a soft and sweet person, Ruby told him. (Male Name) was the 7 years old, the same age as Yang but 2 years older than Ruby. The three of them played many games in the month that (Male Name) had moved to Vale. And today, they were up to their usual games.

In the busy streets of Vale, (Male name) ran, laughing with the bright colored haired girls as he chased them.

"Im gonna get ya two!" (Male Name) yelled playfully as he began to close the distance on the two. Yang turned her head around only to stick her tongue out as Ruby did the same. (Male Name) shook his head and smiled widely. "Alright then. If thats how you want to play!" (Male name) then began to yell out as he began to exert all of his strength into his legs, closing the distance even faster. The two girls began to scream playfully as they tried to run away from the now determined (Male Name). (Male Name) was only a finger tip length away from reaching the two girls until he ran into something, knocking that something and him down. (Male Name) braced himself and rolled across the street, his arms folded up at his face to protect it from any harm. The impact of his fall was loud and drew the attention of all of the busy pedestrians of Vale. The pedestrians began to crowd around the two, whispering amongst themselves about what had happened. Once (Male Name) had recovered from the fall, he slowly got up, wincing slightly at a slight pain in his right arm. Lifting the arm, he saw a small scrape. Sighing, he pulled out his white handkercheif and was about to tie it around his elbow until he heard someone crying. Looking for the source of the crying, he saw a white haired girl on the floor crying. Her white dress was dirtied up and she had a nasty scrape on her leg.
'I must've did that to her'. (Male Name) thought. Dropping the handkerchief from around his arm, he began to approach the crying girl.

"Uh...hey...Im sorry I ran into ya. I wasn't paying attention." (Male Name) looked away sadly, rubbing the back of his neck. The white haired girl attempted to stop her crying by shutting her mouth and sniffling loudly.

" time" She rubbed her eyes with her knuckles as she tried to get up, wincing lighty at the pain of her knee and falling back down.

"Im...Im me help ya" (Male name) crouched down and wrapped his handkerchief around her knee. Feeling something wrap around her knee, the girl looked towards the (H/C) boy with curious and fearful eyes. Because of (Male Name)'s scary looks, she had thought he was going to hurt her more. In the moment, she was completely filled with fear. She tried to talk but all she could muster was a short sentence.

"What are you doing!?"

"Fixing your leg. Thats what. Now hold still" Doing what the boy had said, she sat still as he tied the handkerchief tightly around her knee, tugging at the ends to fasten it. Smiling at his handy work, he got up and began to dust himself off. He then focused on the girl.

"Your knee feel better now?" The boy said with a low voice. Moving and bending her leg, she nodded slowly and smiled, quickly trying to get up but wincing again at the pain and falling down.

"Just because something is covering a scrape, it doesn't mean it's gone" The boy laughed slightly before extending his arm downward and outstretching his hand to the girl. "Lemme help you up" The girl stared at his (S/C) hand before grasping it with her pale hand. Weiss noticed how warm his hand was. She felt kinda safe just by holding his hand. This boy, although he looked scary...he was undeniably nice. She stared at him for a few moments and past those scary features....was a very cute boy. Unconsciously blushing, she stared at their inter locked hands for a moment before (Male Name)'s voice snapped her back to reality. "You okay?" She shook her head quickly then nodded. Smiling, he yoinked her up onto her feet and held onto her as she almost fell again after getting onto her feet. The crowd around them began to awe at the scene before them, taking pictures before going on with their business again. "By the way, my name is (Male name). What's yours?"

"Its...its Weiss Schnee" she looked away shyly as (Male Name) stared at her with his jaw dropped.

"Y-your a Schnee!? As in the daughter of Dust Schnee!?" She nodded slowly, her cheeks flaring up in embarrassment. "Please dont tell your dad I hurt you! I dont want my dad getting fired!" She looked at him with curious eyes again but this time, the fear within them was gone.

"Your dad is a member of my dad's company?" The (H/C) boy sighed and nodded.

"Yeah. Its the reason my family moved here." He looked away after speaking, a clear indication that he didn't want
talk anymore about the topic. Weiss, feeling the growing tension decided to try and change the topic. She opened her mouth to try and speak but her voice was drowned out by a loud yell of a girl.

"Oi! (Male Name)! You givin up on catchin me and Ruby? Told ya you couldn't catch us!" Yang smiled in triumph while Ruby done the same. (Male Name) chuckled lightly and shook his head.

"Im not giving up! I just ran into a pretty girl!" Weiss's snow white cheeks became flushed with a crimson tinge. She was just called pretty by a boy. Sure she was called pretty by alot of other boys, but this boy in particular, made her heart flutter for some reason. (Male Name) turned to Weiss and smiled.

"Wanna play with me and my friends?" Weiss was about to say yes until she had heard her name called by a familiar voice.

"Weiss! My little angel. What are you doing!" Weiss and (Male Name) turned around to see an approaching man in a suit. The moment the man reached Weiss, he crouched down and looked at her leg. "Weiss! What happend to your leg!" Weiss opened her mouth to respond but her father quickly snapped his head to look at (Male Name). "You did this!" Weiss wanted to cover up for (Male Name) but her father had quickly got up and walked over to the (Hair color) boy. "How dare you do this to her!" Her father then turned around to look at Weiss. "Weiss, come with me. We're going home"

"But fath-"

"No buts!" Her father than walked back over to Weiss and grabbed her hand into his large one. He then tugged at her hand and began to walk to the direction he had came from. Has they both walked away, Weiss looked back at the staring (Male Name), waving good bye as they left. (Male name) sighed as Yang and Ruby joined him again.

"Whats wrong (Male Name)?" Yang had asked with curious eyes.

"Just when I thought I had made another friend..." He frowned for a moment before smiling again. "Ill see her again...Im sure." Yang and Ruby stared him before laughing.

"Of course you will! Now lets go back to playing tag!" Yang had already took off with Ruby before (Male Name) could respond. Turning his head to stare at the leaving Weiss, he smiled as Weiss had done the same. Weiss raised her arm and waved as (Male name) had done the same. After waving goodbye, he turned around and began to run after Yang and Ruby as Weiss and her father turned a corner.

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