Chapter 19
I sat there petting Lucas, my puppy, who has actually grown quite a bit. It's a bit odd I think. A wolf-human hybrid owning a dog? It's like, owning my own distant half cousin or something weird like that. Anyways. It was handy that I could talk to the little guy. God knows what would've happens to the poor dog if he kept barking uncontrollably on one of my bad days....
'I want to go for a walk!' I heard him exclaim. Lucas was hopping from side to side, staring at me with a hopeful expression. I laughed quietly, seeing as it was quite early in the morning. Is 7 considered early? I mean, over half the pack is still asleep, so I guess.
"Alright. Alright." I whispered. Grabbing his leash and tying it onto his collar, he raced outside the door and ran straight towards the woods. I jogged lightly behind him, keeping an eye on the surrounding area.
It was a peaceful walk and allowed me to collect my thoughts. After I had told William that he had one chance to prove he was worthy to be my mate, he basically died with relief and happiness I think. Not literally of course, that'd be horrible. It's been about a 3 weeks since then. And he's done pretty well. A little over the "over-protective alpha" standards, but I guess that's a little understandable, seeing how I died not too long ago.
He was quiet adorable actually. Whenever he felt he did something wrong, he would apologize multiple times. When he found the time, he would just spend time with me. We would watch my favorites movies, even if he didn't like some of them. He would cook me food, although it was usually just toast or microwaved food since he honestly couldn't really cook without burning the kitchen down. When he took me out, it was always to small, lovable diners that weren't too busy but weren't completely empty.
A bark pulled me out of my thoughts.
'Whatcha thinking of?' Lucas asked me with a small mischievous grin on his adorable puppy face. 'Are you thinking about how I'm such a wonderful puppy and how much William sucks?'
Oh yea. Lucas hates William. He never tells me why, he just never got along with William.
"Maybe about how adorable you are. But not the second, no." I told him with a small laugh escaping me. Lucas pouted.
'Aw. And here I was hoping that I could get away with killing him and blaming it on the cat.' He said jokingly. Well, at least I hoped it was jokingly. You never know with this puppy.
He once said that he would bite William the next time he came close to him. We all thought he was joking, but when William went to pick him up to move him off the bed, Lucas really bit him it was shocking, but after I got over that stage, I laughed so hard I almost peed then. There were tiny little teeth marks on Will's skin and Lucas had a triumphant look on his face. Will on the other hand looked like he would kill Lucas if murder and Animal Cruelty weren't crimes.
'Alice! You keep losing focus!' Lucas whined. I muttered a quick apology.
'Anyways. I'm ready to head back home. We've been out here for 3 hours already Alice. I bet that idiot mate of yours is looking all over for you since you put up your barrier.'
"How come you can still communicate with me then?" I questioned. He grinned.
'I'm on a whole different level bro!' He said with an air of superiority around him as we walked back towards the house. I laughed and shook my head at him.
"Alright, Lucas. Why don't we go to the vet and get you checked out. I'm pretty sure you're not a normal dog."
'What do you mean? Of course I'm a normal dog. Well, as normal as a dog can be with you as their owner.' I gasped. Then I began to fake cry.
"Are you saying I'm a bad owner?" I dramatically asked Lucas. He tilted his head to the sky as if he was thinking.
'Hmmm. Pretty much. Yea.'
"Well, then. Love you too, Lucas." I huffed in mock annoyance. He gave me his puppy grin and continued walking towards the house. I shook my head and followed him in.
As soon as I stepped foot into the house, I was crushed in a hug by my one and only mate.
"Where were you? Do you know how worried I was? Why did you leave? Where did you go? When did - " he rapidly questioned me.
"Gosh, dude. Chill. I was taking Lucas for a walk. And it's only 10 AM. No need to get your panties in a twist this early." I mumbled into his shirt since he was still holding me tightly.
He let me go and looked me up and down, checking for injuries. I huffed again. Jeez. It's not like I can't defend myself.
Once he was satisfied, he gave me another hug and took my hand.
'Can I bite him?' Lucas growled out.
"No, Lucas." I rolled my eyes slightly.
William tugged me to our room. Yes. We are sharing a room. He sat me down on the couch and told me to wait. After disappearing in the closet, he returned with a small box in his hand.
"Here." He said handing it to me with an air of nervousness around him. "I saw it in the store and I automatically thought of you."
I opened the box and inside was a pretty charm bracelet and a necklace. The bracelet had a small walk howling and also a heart. The necklace had a clear marble. Inside were three diamond wolves. Two adults and one pup. I smiled.
"Thanks, Will." And for the first time in the three weeks, I made the first move. Standing on my tippy toes, since he was just so much taller than me, I leaned in and kissed him. He was surprised, but wasted no time in returned the kiss.
It soon turned a pretty heated. Sure, we've had heated make out sessions before, but something told me this one was different. And I was right.
Not long after we started, William pulled back with difficulty.
"What's wrong?" I asked. He shook his head.
"My wolf has been pushing me to mark you. I had to stop otherwise my wolf would've forced me to do it." I thought about his words for a second. True, my wolf too was insisting that we be marked.
Making up my mind, I put my hands on the back of his neck and pulled him back down, connecting our lips again.
"Go ahead." I mumbled while pressed against him. His eyes went wide and looked at me to make sure I wasn't joking. When he had confirmed that, he wasted no time preparing my skin. The mark was made by the male biting into his mate's most sensitive area on her neck. In the case of two males, they would both bite each other.
William found the spot his was going to mark after I moaned when he kissed it. Quickly sinking his teeth into me, he made his mark. It hurt, but I was smart enough not to move. It would've hurt a lot more.
After a few seconds, he pulled back and stared at the mark with happiness.
"I want to see." I said softly to him. He grinned and led me to the bathroom. There I was able to see the mark. It was a bite mark right on the shoulder that was still healing. Under it, like magic, the name Alpha William Cannis slowly appeared in cursive.
I stared at it for a long time. I was a marked female now. William stared at me through the mirror. I looked towards him and stared back. Smiling at William, I returned to stare at the mark. I was marked.

Oh, Alpha
WerewolfAlice Alyssa Wildmer is a werewolf. Her mate has rejected her and caused her pack to rank her lower than an omega. She is abused and when her mate marks another person, she snaps. She runs away from the Red Moon pack. Years later, she returns. Only...