Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Alice's POV

It's been two weeks already. Each day, they find someway to torture me. One was a silver whip. Another one was a chain with wolfs bane and silver The third one one was a needle that injected wolfs bane into me, and so on. Now, I don't know how long I can hold on. I could feel my life force fading away.

The door flew off is hinges as Lucius stormed into the room. He dragged me to my feet and forcefully pushed me into another room. I heard growls ripple through the forest. The first thing that I realized was that William was here.

Lucius dragged me by my hair to another cell and this time, he waited in the room. I heard the door open and a growl ripple through the air. I raised my head and tilted to the side a bit to find William ready to pounce.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Lucius frowned.

William just growled in return. His wolf was in control, but the two weren't shifted.

"See, I have the one thing that matters most to a werewolf. Their mate. If you take one step, say goodbye to yours." Lucius continued. I felt a cold blade press on my throat. My wolf could smell silver as well as wolfsbane on it. This time, though, it was stronger. There was more wolfs bane powdered on and more silver included in the blade of the knife. That means this blade will be the death of me.

William stepped back, hoping that he would release me at that action.

"I warned you." Lucius chuckled dryly, before I felt the blade press into my throat and slice down.

Williams POV

It was two weeks before we got even a wisp of Alice's scent. Each day, I could feel a little bit of pain through the mate bond that was forming again between us. Each day, though, the pain lessened, which would either mean that they pain she was feeling was lessening or that the bond between us was weakening again.

As I arrived at the place they were holding Alice, I noticed that a man was walking into the backyard with a red-stained whip. I growled out loud, giving away my position. As soon as they heard me, a group of men automatically ran into the house.

Alex approached me.

"Go get Alice. The rest of us will hold them back. Take some people with you too just in case." I nodded and thanked him for his support. I gathered a group of warriors and waited until Alex gave the order for everyone to attack. Once he did, it was simple to slip past them and into the house.

I followed Alices scent down into the basement and was furious to discover her blood coating the ground. From the empty cell, I could assume that they moved her as soon as they knew I was here, so I tracked her scent into another area of the basement. Kicking down the door, I felt my wolf take over as I saw her being held by her hair.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." the guy standing in front of Alice said. I ignored him until he walked around Alice.

"See, I have the one thing that matters most to a werewolf. Their mate. If you take one step, say goodbye to yours." I watched in horror as he held a blade where her neck was. I scanned her over once. She was covered in her own blood and her clothes torn. She looked beaten up and ready to die.

I took a step back, a sign of surrender.

"I warned you." He chuckled before slicing the blade down.

"ALICE!" I screamed. I rushed over to her as her lifeless body fell to the ground. No. No. She can't be dead. She just can't be. I checked her pulse but there was nothing to check. I felt about ready to die.

'Not yet.' My wolf commanded.

'I feel like something is going to happen if we live. Something positive. Don't commit suicide. Something good will happen.'

I was about to argue when I realized that my wolf was usually correct. I settled on revenge. I settled for killing that man.

I charged him head on. A shocked look overcame his features. I guess he was expecting me to just keel over and die.

I shifted mid pounce and snapped my jaws at him. He dodged the last second, but didn't manage to gain his balance. I charged once again and this time, I bit down on his leg. He growled in pain and anger and shifted to his disgusting wolf. My white-tiped ear was the only thing that showed. My black coat blended perfectly with the dark wall. I silently cursed my ear. It was giving away my position!

He growled at me and pounced, but I was way ahead of him. I dodged all his attacks and was finally able to bite down on his neck.

I didn't hesitate to end his life. After he ended Alice's, he deserves much worse.

I treaded over to Alice and shifted back. I had to thank the scientists of the pack for the clothing that shifted with you in a way. Basically, we shifted back with our clothes. I carefully picked her up and checked her pulse again. Still nothing. I let a tear fall as I took in her form. She was limp in my arms, pale, cold, and not like her normal self. True, she was dead, but I refused to believe it.

I carried her out of the cell and into the mass of the two packs. The Lunar Nightstar pack saw her broken form and immediately started to cry. My pack looked shocked, sad, and their expressions held pity and grief.

Selina took a look at her pale skin and unmoving chest before saying "good riddance." Within seconds, all of the Lunar Nightstar pack was trying to kill her. The only thing in between them was Alice's betas, Star and Andrew.

Star faced me. "Is it true?" she asked, her voice soft. I only looked down. I heard a sob and raised my head by an inch. Star was crying into Andrew's shoulder. "Sh-she fought bravely. No one will forget her. She was a wonderful friend. A great alpha. And a great and beautiful person overall. She was understanding and her packs' needs were always put above her own. Yet, she was caring and lovable, always able to turn a gloomy mood into a somewhat happy one. Everyone from your pack will miss you, Alice. No one will for get you. You will be recorded in the records and remembered in our hearts. We'll miss you." Star stuttered out and ended up crying. All of her pack and some of mine had tsunamis running down their faces. I felt tears make its way down my cheeks as I held her. I slumped down to the floor and cried my eyes out. My mate was dead.

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