Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Alice's POV

Opening my eyes, I felt the sun burn me slightly. Memories of yesterday ran through my head. I didn't understand them so the easiest way for me to try to understand them was to go about my normal routine. So I attempted to get up to start my day. But an arm was holding me down so tightly I couldn't move. Feeling the sparks, I had assumed that it was William's arm. I growled under my breath. Yes, he was my (unaccepted) mate, but did I give him permission to crawl into the bed and sleep with me? The answer is no. So why was he here?

For a moment, I allowed myself to savor the feeling of the mate bond doing its magic. The Sparks and mate bond seemed to help me think, so I took this chance to think about the message that had been sent to me. While I was 'dead', there was a figure. It was completely covered in black clothing. The only skin that was visible was the mouth. From that, I could tell it was a woman. Possibly around the age of 35.

"Beware, Princess Alice." She had said. "Keep your friends close to you, and keep your enemies far."

I wanted to speak up. Wasn't the saying "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer" or something along those lines? Why had she called me 'Princess'? How did she know me at all?

The woman in black chuckled.

"My dear, you will understand when the time comes. As of right now, you must be pulled back through the Doors of Death. Though I'm not one to usually allow a person to defy their fate like this, this situation is different from all others. Your fate must be changed. They cannot cut the string yet, my dear. Fight now against the current of death. I will aid you from outside." With that, she disappeared in a sparkle of silver particles that took the shape of the cloaked figure.

Beside me, William stirred, but his arm remained wrapped around my waist. I huffed in annoyance. I had been laying here for a few minutes but knowing me, I was impatient at times and right now, I was extremely bored. So to wake him up, I leaned in close to his ears and whistled... Loudly. Of course, that made him wake up immediately and hold his ears tightly due to his sensitivity. When he realized what happened, he glared at me slightly.

"Easiest way to wake me up is with a kiss, you know?" He joked. I simply gave him a look that said "Keep dreaming, Alpha."

William sighed and rolled onto his back and covered his eyes with his arm. He groaned and mumbled something along the lines of it being to bright and early. I mentally slapped him and crawled out of the bed. I was missing training. If today was a Tuesday like I thought it was, we would be working with spears mostly, which I enjoyed. Looking around, I noticed that I wasn't in my own pack house, but the Red Moon pack house on my territory. Damn it. I don't have clothes here then. I took a look at what I was wearing. Fuming, I stomped back to the bed and slapped William on his arm. Surprised, he jumped slightly and lifted his arm just enough to see me glaring at him.


"What?! Is that all you have to say? How dare you change my clothes without my permission?"

He smirked as he looked at the long shirt I was wearing. "Suits you well.
Plus, we are mates. I will see everything eventually."

"Oh shut up! If I remember correctly, you rejected me that time. And I haven't accepted you yet. Besides, who said you could change me?"

"Would you prefer to have another male change you or sleep in those bloody clothes?" He growled angrily.

"Ha. I have female pack members you dimwit. I would prefer they change me."

He groaned again and muttered "so annoying."

Oh that's it. He's done for. I am most definitely going to kick his ass in training. I walked over to the drawers, grabbed some clothes I would fit in and escaped back to the main house. There, I grabbed my training uniform and slipped knives and a bow with the arrows in the quiver on my back and grabbed my spear, spinning it skillfully around. Soon, I was ready, so I returned to the Red Moon pack house to teach that Alpha something.

Storming into the building, I made my way to his room. He paid me no attention as I slammed the door open and yelled at him to get up. What a lazy ass. If you're going to mess with me, don't do it on a day for training in the mornings.

I managed to get him up and also to make sure all his pack members were at the training field. Smiling evilly, I challenged William for a duel. My pack members laughed slightly and jokingly cheered William on. They knew there was no beating me, even if it was my mate (or ex-mate. Whichever). I readied my spear and pointed it at William, and allowed him the first move. He took it stupidly and lunged for me swiping it at my head. I easily dodged it and locked his spear using mine. Then, I managed to knock his spear out of his hands. Being the smart alpha he should be, he pulled out his dagger at the same time I did. Back and forth, we blocked and slashed. He was quite skilled with a knife, but if I was going at my fullest, he would stand no chance. Getting bored, I backed away. He was surprised, but lunged for me. I smirked deviously and kept backing up until I felt he was at a position I could beat easily. Jumping up and over, I flipped around and nocked and arrow onto my bow. Standing at a relatively close distance for a bow, I pointed the weapon at him. Smiling evilly, I managed to get him to surrender, knowing that it was hard for an alpha to do that.

"Alright. Alright. You win." He said, putting both of his hands into the air. I smiled and lowered my bow. As I passed him when walking to resume training, I whispered two sentences to him. It was quiet enough where only he would hear. I said "Take two steps forward and one step back, Alpha. You get one chance and one chance only to prove yourself worthy."


DON'T KILL ME! I know there are many reasons to kill me, like I didn't update for the longest time ever, and that I made Alice and William get back together. I have reasons (sort of).

1) my mom got pissed off at me, so she took away my phone. I didn't update on my computer because (I've said this somewhere before) my sister used to judge me and annoy me about a previous book I wrote on another account, so I try to hide the story as much as possible. She and I share a room, so it is pretty hard to update unless I have my phone.

2) I wrote this book a while ago. I'm not changing the plot by too much. I'm just adding stuff. The plot line was already developed when I started it, so nothing is going to be changing except what is written. I've reposted most of the chapters with some editing, but I'm completely rewriting the later chapters. The plot still hasn't changed though!

Welp, I'm trying to post all the chapters today or tomorrow and get this story over with.


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