Chapter 7
William's POV
Ever since Alice left 3 years ago, the pack has started to fall apart. Alex won't talk to me unless absolutely necessary. The pack warriors are slowly becoming soft. All this is happening because our base collapsed. Our base was held up by one person, Alice.
To be honest, I was surprised at how much Alice had to handle alone. I always knew she was a hard worker, but I never knew the full extent to how much she supported us. The maids had trouble keeping up with the new amount of chores and some of the students were failing their classes. I was ashamed to call this 'my' pack, even though I knew I was the one who drove it straight down into Tartarus. My head constantly pounded with headaches as I heard complaint after complaint.
Because the pack was slowing dying, more threats were present. We could take care of most of the rouges, but certain few were smart enough to have strategies and avoided capture. We were forced to either ask the Lunar Nightstar pack for help or eventually fall. We took the path that would save the pack, of course. Even with the threat of death, many still held strongly onto their pride and disagreed with the SOS call.
The Lunar Nightstar pack was the strongest pack in the world; even stronger than we were when we were still held together. It surprised me how successful they were already. We took at least 20 years before we rose to the top, but this pack took less than 10 years. The alpha was well-known, but no one outside the pack knew her name. Yes, I said 'her'. It has been confirmed that the alpha is indeed a female wolf.
Alex stalked into the semi-lit office. His eyes raged with hatred and anger as he glared at me. For the first week or so, his mind was clouded with worry and fear. But after that passed, all emotion was gone except anger for himself and anger for me.
"They said five days." He announced. Alex then turned and rushed out.
I sighed as my Beta left. He was still mad about Alice. I knew that much. But all I can do now is hope she returns or we meet by chance.
A loud noise outside caught my attention. I growled under my breath as I heard more fighting break out in the courtyard. We need someone to set them back in line. We need Alice.
Alice's POV
I smirked as I told my pack of the new pack coming to train. I knew they had been informed of their past harshness. Silence covered the meeting room as I stepped onto the podium.
"The Red Moon pack will be coming in 5 days' time to train with us."
Before I could continue, growls of anger rang out. My heart started to pound with all the love for and from my pack that filled me that instant.
"I know you guys resent them for the treatment I have received, but remember what I said before. Everyone is equal and we must respect one another."
Growls were silenced, but some still muttered curses. I laughed quietly as I heard someone mentioned cursing them with an unforgivable curse. "Maybe the Cruciatus Curse." They had said.
"Now, when Star told them that we accepted, I said not to reveal my identity. Do not say my name until I meet them in person. Call me alpha until I have personally introduced myself. Is everyone alright with that?"
I was rewarded with nods.
"Hopefully, they will arrive soon. If anyone hears a car, alert everyone in the mind link for the pack."
Star and Andrew came forward. "When they are in our presence, do not leave any hints that you knew of their pack. Pretend that they are just a pack you are helping. No one must know that our alpha is Alice until she comes forward herself. Understood?" Some started to protest but quieted down at the glare they received from their mate. The three of us on the podium raised our hands to draw their attention back to us.
"Additionally, while we are training, you are welcome to use your full strength on them. Don't hold back. They'll need all the training they can get if they are still the same before I left." Quiet chuckles were heard as the pack warriors made plans on how to break their bones "accidentally".
"We thank you for being here to listen today. You may now return to your preferred location. If anyone has any questions, we will be in the main office." Everyone nodded then dispersed at the wave of hand Star, Andrew, and I gave together.
We retreated to the work room and continued our planning. We had the basics down; now we just needed to smooth out the rough edges.
Questions were brought up as we went over our plan. Frequently asked questions included "When are you going to reveal yourself to the pack?" and "What should we say about you if they ask?" Some pack members overheard our ideas and a few suggested themselves. Proposals that included impolite hosting were denied with reluctance.
It was midnight by the time we finished with getting prepared. Along with our 'secret' plan, we had to set up sleeping arrangements, food arrangements, etc. To be honest, we were not being too rude with the plans. It was as if they were just another visiting pack. We wanted everything to seem normal at first. But the second they don't expect it, we will drop the bomb on them and explode them like Hiroshima during the war.
Oh how I love revenge.....

Oh, Alpha
WerewolfAlice Alyssa Wildmer is a werewolf. Her mate has rejected her and caused her pack to rank her lower than an omega. She is abused and when her mate marks another person, she snaps. She runs away from the Red Moon pack. Years later, she returns. Only...