Original Chapter: 19

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William's POV

I raced towards Alice as her form crumpled down. Her body fell into my arms just before she hit the ground. I was relieved to find that she was just passed out.

I carefully picked her up in my arms and walked towards her bedroom. A bunch of worried voice and barks filled the air. I glared at them all before motioning to be quiet. They got the hint and stopped.

Returning to my task of getting her to bed, I focused on her current state. Alice was still breathing lightly, but her neck was exposed to me. I saw the cut in her throat from when Lucius slit it. I growled lowly at the though. Alice shuffled from the noise and I silently cursed myself. Her eyelids fluttered open.

"What happened?" she asked weakly.

"You passed out from stress and use of your powers, I'm guessing. Rest, I'll take you to your room."

She didn't need to be told twice. Alice snuggled into me and soon enough, I heard her even breathing, confirming that she was asleep.

I reached her room in 'my' pack house. I set her down gently on the mattress and was about to let her go, when I realized that she was clinging onto me.

"Stay." She muttered. "Stay with me. I don't want to be alone. I miss you."

I chucked quietly. Following her wishes, I laid down besides her. Alice moved so that I was her pillow. I slightly smirked at this movement. Within seconds, I was asleep right next to my beautiful mate.


I woke up cold and without Alice. Frantically, I searched the entire room. Focusing on her scent and using my ears, I figured she was shower because I heard the water running inside. I slipped out from under the covers and stood up. Just as I did so, the water shut off and a few minutes later, Alice came out.

Unfortunately for me, she brought her clothes in with her.

She smirked at my obvious disappointment. "Come on! Did you really think I was going to walk out naked?"

I mumbled a yes, but I think she heard. She laughed at me and I couldn't help the smile that reached my face.

She walked over to me and stood on her tippy-toes (AN is that how you spell it?). "And I forgive you." She whispered in my ear before planting her lips firmly to mine.

I was shocked at this motion, but soon got over it. I quickly returned the kiss. She pulled away after a few minutes and I'm pretty sure she heard the sad whimper from me.

"We can't stay in here all day." She explained while laughing at my 'I want to keep kissing you' face. "I'm hungry."

I sighed heavily. "Fine, I guess food is more important than your mate." I teased.

"Yup." She teased right back. I watched her as she skipped down the hall and into the kitchen. Star and Andrew were sitting at the dining table.

"Alice!" Star jumped out of her seat and tackled Alice. "I'm so glad your okay! I saw you faint earlier and I was like 'Oh My God! Is she okay? I hope so.' And Andrew was like 'don't worry! our Alice is a big girl now.'" She rambled out. Alice chucked at her reaction to seeing her but said nothing otherwise.

Alice pranced over to the stove and started cooking something. Good thing at least one person in this relationship can cook because if I tried, I'd probably burn down the house. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind. She turned slightly before pecking me on the lips.

"Wait, so you guys are together?" Star asked. Alice looked at her straight in the eyes and nodded. Star squealed. We all laughed at her and she turned beat red. "What? you can't blame me. I mean, ever since you started doing all this making-up stuff, she - " "Don't you dare finish that, Star!" Alice threatened. "Or a secret will spill." Stars eyes widened.

"You wouldn't."

"Try me."

Star huffed but kept silent. Alice smirked, knowing that she won that round. I watched the mini fight that had gone on between them with amusement. Star turned back to Andrew and pulled him out of the room.

"Don't worry." She called as she left. "Your secret isn't much if a secret. Practically everyone but your mate knows."

"STAR! WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU YOU ARE SIX FEET UNDER!" Alice threatened. I think she was only half-joking though........

Alice turned back to whatever she was cooking. "She told the though." Alice admitted. "Practically everyone knows."

I smirked at her. "Don't worry. If you don't want me to know, I won't ask."

She smiled back at me. "It's okay."

She turned around once more and kissed me. "Now let me eat." She insisted.

I chuckled at her persistence. Following her like a lost puppy, we walked towards the dining room. I sat across from her and we 'secretly' held hands under the table as she ate her freshly baked French toast.

"Aren't French toasts for mornings?" I questioned her. She stuck her tongue out at me. "Real mature, Alice." I teased. She smiled before returning to her food. She looked at the clock. "It is morning. It's 12:37." She corrected me. I rolled my eyes jokingly, causing her to playfully slap my arm. "Just because you're wrong doesn't mean that you can sass me." She declared poking me with the last four words.

She scarfed down her meal and we started for the stairs. I should've known something was up when she lagged behind. I was about to turn and ask what was wrong, when I felt her jump onto my back.

"Can you not walk?" I teased her.

"Not when you can." She replied jokingly.

I carried her all the way to her room an plopped her down on the bed. Thinking that she wanted to sleep, I started towards the door again.

"Stay with me." She pouted. "don't leave me alone."

I walked back to the bed smirking. "Are you really going to miss me that much?" I joked.

"Yup" she smiled.

Sighing, I laid down next to her like before. I automatically knew she was really tired when I heard her soft breathing. I smiled. 'She's the perfect mate. I can't believe I ever let her go.'

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