Chapter 3

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I sat on the grass and Mia was wandering around the graveyard because she wanted me to be alone with my mom.

"So, this is it mom." I stared off into the sky. "I'm leaving to New York soon. Two hours." I chuckled. "And I don't know how I feel about it." I said sadly. I'm willing myself not to cry. "I'll be in New York. Not here. I also broke up with James. I hate that he broke up with me. I love him so much mom." I quietly sobbed. "I know you loved him too. I remember how you always told me that he was the one for me. You thought he was perfect for me." I stood up and brushed off the grass from my bottom. Wiping under my eyes I said bye to my mom.

As I was walking to my car I spotted Mia staring at a large tree.

"Uhh, Mia? What are you looking at?" I asked tapping her shoulder. When she turned around she looked like she was in a daze.

"What? Oh nothing sorry I thought I saw an owl up there." She smiled and sat down in the grass.

"What're you doing? Stand up. I need to get back home for my flight." She held her heads up expecting me to grab them. I hesitantly grabbed her hands and pulled her up. "God, you're heavy." I complained. "What do you eat?"

"Oh shut up!" She told me playfully glaring at me. We both started to walk to my car slowly. The whole car ride was silent except for Mia humming random songs since my radio wouldn't work.

When we got to the house Isaac was sitting on my couch reading what I saw a newspaper.

He looked up and folded the paper and put in his jacket pocket.

"Hello Miss Grey. Are you ready? He asked straightening his jacket. I nodded and looked to Mia.

"I'm really going to miss you. Call me, text me, email me, anything ok Beth" Mia hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. "Make sure you tell me about the hot guys you'll meet."

"Yeah maybe I'll ship one out here to you!" I joked. "But seriously Mia, I'm really going to miss you." We shared one last hug and I was on my way to the car with Isaac when someone ran up the walkway to my house.

"Elizabeth?! Oh you're still here!" It was James. My heart was overwhelmed he came to see me. "Elizabeth, I'm sorry about what I said. Forget all about it please! We can make it work! Mia called and told me you were leaving in two hours." James grabbed me by my waist and kissed me deeply. I felt his wind cool lips work with mine that this would be our last kiss.

"James, I'm going to miss seeing you. I'll call you when I land. I love you!" I gave him one last hug before I got in the car.

"I love you too" was the last words I heard from him.

I was surprise that when we got to the air port we would be riding aboard on a private jet.

"Isaac? Can I ask you a question?"

"Miss Grey, I'm afraid you already did." He replied smiling. What the heck? When he saw my face he got serious and nodded toward me.

"How rich is my father?" I asked mentally preparing myself for the answer.

"Well, just know that he is rich enough to afford this jet we're sitting on." I shook my head and didn't talk the rest of the way.

When I woke up I realized I wasn't in my room then it hit me that I was on a jet to New York.

"Miss Grey if you would follow me our flight is over." I followed down the steps and into a black spacious car.

I gazed out the window and saw huge skyscrapers touching the sky. This is going to be my new home. People in business suits and large coats walked around the city. This really wasn't my scene. My scene was bikinis, and board shorts, the beach, not this suits and scarves stuff. I don't know how I would live like this.

When we came to a stop in front of a gigantic house I couldn't believe my eyes. My father lived here? Wow maybe I can live like this.

Isaac opened the door for me and I stepped out into the cold. I realized that I was standing in awe in front of the house as Isaac was no where to be seen. I checked in the car and he wasn't in there and my luggage wasn't in there either. I figured he must have gone inside the house.

I walked up to the door and admired it at how beautiful it was. I lifted my hand and began to feel the intricate carving into this wooden door. I don't know why I was so fascinated by it and why I had the sudden urge to feel it. When the door opened I gasped and pulled my hand down to my side.

When I looked up I saw a middle aged man with slightly showing gray hair. When he saw me his face looked brighter than the sun.

"Elizabeth!" He exclaimed happily. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to him. It was my father.

"Dad." I breathed hugging him tight. I've missed him so much.

"I missed you my Liz." I crinkled my nose at the old nickname he used for me when I was younger. He only hugged me tighter. "I was beginning to worry when you didn't come in with Isaac." He pulled me out from the hug and looked at me smiling. "My my my. My Elizabeth has grown into a very beautiful woman!" My father happily cheered.

My face reddened with embarrassment. "Thanks dad." I rolled my eyes playfully. He let go of me and started to walk through the house.

"This is the kitchen, the living room, the play room, and finally... this is your room." He stopped at a door and looked at me with a bright smile. My eyes widened when he opened the door.

The room was huge, beyond huge bigger than my old house. I was so caught up with the room I forgot my father was here.

"How do you like it Elizabeth?" He asked.

"I love it! It's my room?" I exclaimed.

"Of course hon. Anything for you." He smiled and hugged me again. "I'll let you get settled in." He said and shut the door on his way out.

I walked to the bed and sat down. This was all mine. I saw my stuff on the floor. I grabbed a bag and opened it. I rummaged it and felt something cool and smooth. I grabbed it and took it out.

It was my mothers flask. I shook it and heard the liquid slosh inside. This is what killed my mother. This is the reason I'm here in New York. I put the flask back in the bag and took out my phone.

I started to call James.

"Hello? James?" I said as he picked up the phone.

"Elizabeth! How are you? How was your flight?" He asked happily. I can tell he's smiling by his voice.

"Hi I'm good. I miss you!" I said looking at my shoes.

"How's your dad? Is he nice?" He asked concerned.

"Yeah, you should see this room I have. It's absolutely amazing!"

"I bet. Well I gotta go, but I'll definitely call you back I gotta study." He said and hung up. Well that was strange, I didn't get to say anything to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2016 ⏰

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