Chapter 2

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It's the day before I get shipped off to New York to live my life. I got all my stuff packed into 3 luggages. I spent the last week spending time with best friend Mia.

"Hey do you think there are any hot guys in New York?" Mia asked popping a chip into her mouth.

"What? I'm about to lose my best friend in the whole world and I already lost James, and you're talking about hot guys Mia? Really?" I said glaring at her.

She set the bag of chips down and looked at me sincerely.

"I'm sorry ok? You know this is how I cope with stress." She sounded apologetic.

"You're stressed?! I'm the one moving across the country!" I practically yelled at her. She gave me a hug and started to rub my back.

"Alright. Alright now. No more yelling it's going to be okay." She started whispering in my ear. I sniffles as wiped my nose.

"No it's not! Why did my mom have to drink and die?! Why do I have to move?!" I sobbed in my hands. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I cried on my friends shoulder. That's what she was here for right? God I will miss her, and I already miss being with James. I don't think that I will ever be able to move on from James. He was the love of my life. I really hoped that he would be my first and last boyfriend.

When the doorbell rang I perked up and ran to the bathroom to make it look like I wasn't just crying.

"Who the hell are you?" I heard Mia say. Oh shit.

"Why I'm Sir Isaac Landman. I'm guessing you're Elizabeth Grey." I heard a man say in a thick British accent. Who can that be and why does he know my name?

"Elizabeth! Somebody is at the door for you!" I heard Mia call out. I ran straight out of the bathroom and got to the door. Mia had a weird expression on her face that said who the hell is this?

"Hello miss Grey. I am Sir Isaac, but just call me Isaac. I am your Father Mr. Grey's butler." He announced in a really fancy way. He was even dressed in a tuxedo with a bow tie and everything. He must have been uncomfortable.

"Uhh... Hi. Come in." I said gesturing for him to come in. Mia looked at me crazy.

"You don't even know the guy and you're letting him in?!" Mia whisper yelled at me. I glared at her.

"He's my fathers butler!" I whispered back. But she was kind of right. I shouldn't let any stranger into my home just because he knows my father. Hell, I hardly know my father

"Excuse me? Did you say something?" Isaac asked looking around at the house. He didn't look very impressed by the house but he didn't say anything about it. Yeah it was small but it was all my mother could afford with two jobs. She also had to pay for my college tuition. Which wasn't cheap.

"What? No. I got all my stuff packed for New York. Did you want me to brig it down?" I asked Isaac. At this he smiled brightly.

"No worries miss Grey. I will handle it" he said with a smile. He marched up the stairs with his hands to his back.

"Wow what a gentleman." Mia said sarcastically. I shook my head at her.

"Could you at least be nice?" I said to her. She raised her eyebrows at me.

"Nice? You want me to be nice? To the guy who is taking you away from me? Hell no!" She had a point.

"Well technically it's my dad who is taking me away from you." I smiled. I loved messing with her. My short burst of happiness disappeared when I saw Isaac walking down the stairs holding two of my seven luggages. I'd be leaving just tomorrow morning. My face contorted into a frown. Mia saw and patted my back.

"I'm gonna miss you Beth." Mia said looking down at her hands. I hugged her.

"I'm going to miss you too." I whispered in her ear. I let go of her and walked upstairs to see Isaac.

"Miss Grey?" Isaac called.

"Yes? Is there something wrong? Or..." I asked putting a stray hair behind my ear.

"There is nothing wrong, but your father phoned me and the flight to New York leaves in 2 hours. So please get ready to leave." Isaac said picking up the last of my luggage.

"Two hours! I thought the flight was tomorrow." I yelled frantic. I looked around my old bedroom and it was completely empty except for my desk and bed frame and mattress. I wouldn't need those since my father would provide it for me.

"I know. I apologize, but please you must get ready to go." Isaac left downstairs with my luggage.

"What's going on Beth, did I hear you yell?" Mia asked coming into my room.

"Will you come with me Mia?" I asked anticipation in my eyes.

"To New York? I thought you'd never ask." Mia gave me a high five with a smile. "Let me just pack all my stuff." She was about to leave when I grabbed her hand.

"No Mia. Not to New York." I started to walk down the stairs and Mia followed close behind. I grabbed my jacket and keys.

"Where are you going miss Grey?" I didn't answer Isaac just opened the front door and ran to my car. "Miss Grey!" I heard Isaac call out to me. I didn't bother to look behind me or stop to tell him where I'm going. I needed to do this one thing before I left.

"Elizabeth! Where are you going!?" Mia asked with a serious face. "I just told Mr. Butler dude we're going-"

"Mia get in the car now please." I hopped in the car hoping she'd also get in. Thankfully she did get in and put her seatbelt on.

"What the hell Elizabeth? Where are we going?" Mia asked. I drove out the driveway and finally answered.

"I'm just going see my mother at her grave before I go." I looked at Mia and gave her the biggest smile. I knew she was pissed at me.

"Oh shit Elizabeth. You could have just said so. Damn it. Got me all freaked out that you're going rogue or so something." Mia complained. She put her head to the head rest and sighed closing her eyes.

"I know. I know I'm sorry. It's just that, my flight leaves in two hours I needed to say goodbye." I explained. I glanced at Mia and she softened her look.

"Oh." Was all she can say. Although I knew that she wanted to say more. The rest of the car drive was silent.

When we got there I pulled into the nearest parking spot and just sort of sat there. I opened the car door and felt the cool breeze hit my face. It was getting chilly even though it was 6 o clock in the evening with the clouds hiding the sun.

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