Chapter 23

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We all ended up getting back into Harry’s car. I could tell Greg wanted to find Niall just as much as I did. Greg says Alan still thinks he’s with his side so he knows if Niall is with him or not. Which he’s not at the moment, thank god. I figure I should call Becca and tell her not to come home. It’s not safe. I dial her number and she answers right away. 
“Becca it’s me.” 
“Lillie, hey, what’s going on?” 
“Listen I can’t explain right now but do not come back to the house, it’s not safe. Stay at your parents. Please.” 
“Wait, what?! Lillie what’s going on are you okay?” 
“I-I’m fine. Please, don’t come home until I say okay.” 
Before she can reply I hang up. I could drag her I to this. Becca didn’t need that. 
“H-Harry can you please turn back around to the motel.” I ask after a minute. 
He looks at me confused but does as I ask. We go back to the motel and as soon as we stop I’m making a run for the woods behind it. The boys all followed me and they seemed to realize why I wanted to come back as soon as they see his body. Will’s body. I-I just had to see. I had to. 
I can’t stop the tears from coming as I kneel down by him. 
“Thank you.” I whisper. 
I sit there for beat then get up and go back to the car without saying another word to Anyone. 
Then it was just like we never stopped after we took off again. We all agree to go back to Niall’s house first. Harry and Louis instead that they come and help find Niall. I finally let after I made them promise that as soon as we found Niall that they would leave. It’s not that I didn’t enjoy them or anything but I jut didn’t want them getting hurt. They seemed like nice guys. 
“Lillie, after you find Niall what do u plan on doing? Alan’s a psycho, he’s not gonna stop looking for you.” Greg says keeping his eyes on the road. Harry let him drive. 
“I-I don’t know to be honest. Probably hide for a while. Stay low. ” he nods and sighs. 
“I’m sorry about Will. I know he helped you a lot.” I sigh now. 
“Thanks. And thank you for helping me. What made you have a change of heart?” 
“The way Niall is towards you.” He chuckles slightly. “That kid didn’t care about anything until he might you. You effected him in ways I don’t think you even know. In good ways. The only other woman in his life he wouldn’t to protect more then anything was our mom. That’s why it hurt him so much when they kicked him out. I suppose that’s my fault though. Hell this whole situation is probably my fault. I just though Niall wanted to nail you and then that was it. That’s always how he’s lived. But like I said. He you changed him. And I didn’t catch on at first. So, I’m sorry.” 
It took me a minute to process what he said. Greg just said sorry? The same Greg who slapped me, asked me to have sex with him and harassed me is saying sorry? I couldn’t believe it. 
Then again I could say the same thing about Niall. He’s changed. I remember when he locked me in his house, or stalked me at the club. But I can also remember when he started to soften. 
The first time he was gently with me, the first time we did it, that night we went skinning dipping. 
Niall changed. Why couldn’t Greg? I finally sigh and nod. 
“It’s okay Greg, your helping now and that’s all that matters.” 
“Niall’s a lucky guy.” He says glancing at me smiling a bit.
Before I can even respond bright lights shine directly at us and I know what’s gonna happen next. 
“GREG LOOK OUT!” I scream. 
Greg swerves over just in time before hitting the car. But Unfortunately we were on a bridge. 
So when he swerved off„we went hurling over the edge crashing into ice cold water. 
At first I don’t understand what’s happen. Everything went dim then white. 
Finally when my eyes focused I realize the car is sinking in the lake and is now floating the car. 
I start to panic when the water gets up to our necks. It was swelling up and up quickly. 
Louis and Harry already undid their seat belts and were desperately trying to get out of the car. 
Greg was already out of his seat as well. Me on the other hand was struggling. 
The damn seat belt was Jammed. I desperately try to brake lose and Greg tries to help but it’s no use. We lock eyes for a slit second in terror as we take a deep breath in as the water goes over our head. Harry finally gets the door open and is about to swim away with Louis but stops when he sees my situation. I try to motion for him to go, but he is already trying to get to me and help me. 
Louis seems to catch on and understands. He yanks Harry back tugging him back out of the car. Harry is trying to shove away from him but Louis is determined. He takes his curled hair friend and roughly pushes themselves to the surface. Safe. Just like I wanted. 
I turn towards Greg who is trying to find something anything to cut me lose. No luck. 
His eyes lock with mine and I can tell he doesn’t have much air left. Cause neither do I. 
I start to try and push him away, so he could get to the surface and finishing looking for Niall. 
After much struggling with him, he has no choice. He swims towards the open door and up to the top. So now I was left alone. Without Niall or anybody. I couldn’t just sit here and die. I couldn’t just sit here and let everything everyone sacrifice for me go to wast. Will died trying to get me safe and I’ll be damned if I was just gonna give up. But what could I do? Something. I had to do at least try. 
I fiercely try and unbuckle myself. No one was gonna save me. Up until Niall I was use to that though. I was use to no one coming to the rescue. I suppose Niall changed me to. 
Taught me people can take care of you and protect you. That didn’t mean though that I still couldn’t fend for myself. Hell that’s what I’ve been doing this whole time since we’ve got involved with Alan. But the pain of holding my oxygen in was getting to be to much. It felt like my head would explode if I didn’t suck in something. So I sucked in the water. Just wanting to end that awful pain. But I obviously now couldn’t breathe. And that when I wish I would have waited. 
Cause I see I familiar figure coming towards the car. Dirty blonde hair and unmistakeable blue eyes. 
Niall. How? I guess I didn’t matter at this moment. I was Suffocating and I feared Niall would have to watch me die. Niall swam into the car and didn’t even make eye contact with me, but instead yanked out a pocket knife. He fiercely cut at the seat belt and I’m not to sure what happened next. 
My eyes rolled to the back of my head disobeying my commands to make them stay open. 
The next thing I know I’m caught up water on ice cold pavement. Jesus It feels like my throat is made of sand paper as I Cough and struggle to catch my breath. 
I hadn’t even realized someone was holding onto me until I begin to feel there body heat. 
Niall. That kind of warmth could only come from him. I cling onto him gratefully he’s safe and alright. He looks down at me terrified but then kisses my freezing cold lips. 
He doesn’t say anything. I don’t feel like he needs to. 
I look around and see Harry, Louis, Greg, and someone else I didn’t recognize. 
He was fit. Short buzzed hair and an Innocent looking face, with puppy dog brown eyes. 
Niall picks me up to my feet and wraps his jacket around me as I shiver uncontrollably. 
“Thanks for the knife Liam.” Niall says tossing the pocket knife back to the stranger, Liam. 
He nods and looks at me, like he was making sure I was alright. 
“Take Harry and Louis home.” I say finally to Greg. 
Harry’s head snaps up and he gets closer to me. I feel Niall slightly shift closer to me as he does. 
“Are you going to be okay?” Harry asks fear flickering in his emerald eyes. 
“Yes, thank you for everything. For saving me. You to Louis.” Louis nods but Harry just sighs. 
“I hope you get out of whatever mess your in.” He says finally. I nod hoping for the same thing. 
Harry and Louis make there way back to a new car. Liam’s car I’m guessing since Liam hopped in it along with Harry, Louis and Greg. And then they were gone. 
Niall snakes his arm around my waist tightly and brings us back to his car. We start to drive. 
“How did you know?” I ask finally. 
“You know that car you swerved out of the way of? That was me.” I nod now understanding. 
“Lillie, t-they told me about Will, I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I’m sorry you have to go through any of this.” He says clutching the steering wheel tighter. I sigh. 
“Niall, you didn’t know any of this was going to happen.” He sighs now and nods. 
“I’m glad I Found you in time.” He mumbles after a minute. 
“Me too. Who was that back there, Liam I think?” I ask remembering. 
“Yeah Liam. He was helping me find you. Zayn and Perrie got a plane and are safe now. Liam I helped me get hotel room for us out of state and different ID’s. we’re gonna stay low for a bit. Until Alan forgets or something. I know he’s after you because I killed his brother. And I, will not, let him make you pay for something I did. Okay? Your safe with me. Always will be.” 
All I can do is nod. He sighs and lays a hand on my thigh for a moment. 
“Get some rest princess, you look exhausted.” I nod again and I’m already drifting off. 
“I love you Lillie.” He whispers softly before I’m out completely.

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