Chapter 3

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I can feel myself starting to wake up. I don’t open my eyes though. I can feel Niall staring at me and I don’t want to have to deal with him yet.

I was actually hoping that this was all just a dream, that I would be home. Nope. 

“I know your awake Lillie.” Niall says in a deep voice. Damn it. I open my eyes to find Niall almost nose to nose with me. I flinch back a bit only to be squeezed by Niall hold around me. 

“You look so beautiful when you sleep.” He says smirking. I roll my eyes.

“Yeah not creepy at all that you were watching me sleep.” I say bitchy. 

He just chuckles though. 

“I locked you in my house, made you sleep in my bed with me and wear my clothes. Don’t you think we’re pasted creepy?” 

I would argue but he had a point. Niall gets up and stretches. 

“Next time I’m not sleeping in my clothes, I want to be comfortable.” He says winking. I scoff. 

“There will be no next time.” 

All he does though is grin. Making me look at him in discuss. Niall slips off his shirt without any warning and looks for a new one to put on threw his drawers. I honestly can’t help but stare. He was quite toned and built. Not insanely but nice broad shoulders. He glances at me and smirks. I’d been caught. 

“Like what you see princess.” 

I make a face at him causing him to chuckle. Then I notice something. 

There was a big scar on Niall’s left shoulder. Actually there was more then one.

But the one on his shoulder and lower back were the two most noticeable. 

The one on his lower back looked more of a burn mark though. 

“What happened to your back?” I blurt out. Damn my big mouth. 

I see Niall’s whole body tense up and his face go hard. I couldn’t help but feel afraid of him right now. His sapphire eyes are poisoned again with darkness. 

“Nothing.” Was all he said before putting on a t-shirt. 

He slips on pants and I make myself look away. I don’t want to ask him anymore about his scars anyways. I quickly find my clothes and I’m about to go to the bathroom to change but Niall stops me smirking. 

“Where you going babe?” 

“To get changed.” I state flatly. Niall licks his lips. 

“You can get changed right here. I did.” 

“Yeah well that’s you trying to show off, Me on the other hand is not trying to impress you. Now move.” I growl trying to shove his hand off me. 

“So you think I was trying to impress you eh? If its not such a big deal Lillie, then get changed here. Now.” I grit my teeth and try to push pass him again but it’s no use. Niall becomes frustrated. 

“Now Lillie.” He spoke harshly. 

Was he serious? By the look of his face he was dead serious. I huff angrily. 

He wasn’t gonna let me changed out of his sight was he? 

I take a couple steps back from him and grit my teeth as I begin to slip my shirt off. Or I guess his shirt off. I turn around before he can completely see me in just my bra. I feel him burning holes in my back as he stares at me in probably lust. I quickly slip back on my old shirt and as quickly as I can take off my pants. Niall is smirking so big I can almost hear it. I soon enough have my old pants back on and I turn toward him, my face burning with anger and embarrassment. Niall of course still has a stupid smirk plastered to his face. 

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