Chapter 6

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“Lillie…Lillie wake up…..wake upppppp!” Becca says getting louder and poking my cheek. 
“What?” I say groggy. 
“You have work today.”
“Not until 3:00.” 
“So your gonna sleep in till then? Lazy ass.” I sigh deeply showing my irritation. 
“No, I suppose not.” I say ripping myself away from my bed. 
Becca smiles in victory. I grab my phone off the nightstand as I stumble my way into the kitchen. 

Niall: you sleep so peacefully ;)

My heart stops. Was he…watching me sleep? How? He left? I don’t know why these things still surprised me, I should be use to it. But no. I still felt on guard with him. Just a little. 

Lillie: now how would you know that? :/

Niall: I might have sneaked in….

Lillie: …..

Niall: I had to make sure you were ok…safe

My heart flutters again. There he goes again about me being safe. I don’t get it. 
Why was he even interested in me? Why did he always have to be so….possessive.

Lillie: thanks….your probably gonna have to pick me up from work tonight for our date….

Niall: where do you work baby?

Lillie: Starbucks closer to my flat

Niall: ok :) see you tonight princess ;)

Lillie: thanks

I threw my phone on my bed and hopped in the shower. I didn’t necessarily like the idea of Niall sneaking into my flat at night and watching me sleep. It made me feel like just anybody could do that. I get out of the shower, throw my hair into a messy bun and slip into my work clothes and head off.
I have to walk there since Becca’s car is in the shop and won’t be out until tomorrow.
When I get there I’m greeted by my co-worker Phil. 
“Hey Lil.” He smiles handing a customer a coffee. 
“Hey Phil.” I say joining him behind the counter. 
“Did you walk here crazy?” 
“Maybe, yeah.” He shakes his head at me. 
Phil’s nice. Sometimes though he could get annoying. Like expresses his opinion way to much. 
But whatever I’ve learned to deal with it. You know cuz I could be that way to sometimes. 
“Hey so did you he about that guy?” Phil says after a couple hours of work have gone by. 
I roll my eyes at him. 
“Your gonna have to be more specific then that Phil.” 
“You know the guy they found severely beaten by that new club in town?” 
I freeze. My heart and mind freeze. I have my back faced towards him and try to stay calm. 
“Oh yeah. That was crazy, do you remember what they said his name was?” 
I prayed to god he didn’t say who I think it was. Alex. It had to be. What the hell Niall?! 
“Yeah ummm, Alex something….” I tense up. Shit. Shit, Niall did that. I know Alex was trying to rape me, and don’t get me wrong he deserved to be beaten but Niall could have killed him! 
“Now when you say severely beaten….” I trail off finally turning towards him. 
“I mean like teeth knocked out, ribs broken, and hospitalized.” 
My breathing starts to quicken. Jesus Niall what did you do! 
“Lil, you okay? You look kind of pale.” I fake a smile and nod. 
“Yeah it’s just crazy.” 
He nods too and his mood shifts suddenly. 
“Soooo, what are you doing tonight?” He asks awkwardly. 
“Oh, I’m uh actually going on a date.” He frowns ever so slightly. 
“Oh. With who?” There was the nosey part coming through. 
“Niall. Niall Horan.” His face scrunches up. 
“Really? He doesn’t seem your type. Be careful around him.” 
“What do you mean be careful?” Although I already know the answer. 
“I’ve heard he’s crazy. Trouble. Dangerous.” I sigh and take my apron off. 
“Okay. Thanks.” I say more sharply then I intended. 
I begin to make my way towards the door but Phil grabs my wrist.
“Hey, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to get all judgmental, I just think you can do better.” I scoff at him. 
“Got it.” I say trying to pull away but he doesn’t let me. 
“Don’t be mad, Im just trying to loo-” Phil is cut off by someone harshly pushing him away from me. 
Niall. Niall’s tense trembling body stands in front of me now. Blocking me from Phil. 
“Get your hands off her.” He barks. Phil looks scared out of his mind and puts his hands up. 
“Hey man I wasn’t hurting her I swear.”
Niall takes a step towards him but I grab his shoulder and try to pull him away. 
“Niall, it’s fine, I’m fine. Let’s just go.” 
He’s hesitant for a second, but then leads me outside with him. 
We get in his car and I can feel the tension. His jaw is clenched and his hands are clenched around the stirring wheel so tight, his knuckles are white. After a moment I break the silence. 
“Niall?” He doesn’t answer right away. 
“Yes?” He sighs. 
“He wasn’t hurting me. I swear.” Niall keeps his eyes on the rode and says, 
“He was flirting with you to wasn’t he?” I sigh. 
“Don’t you dare lie to me Lillie.” 
I start to nervously play with my fingers and don’t answer him. He doesn’t like that to much. 
“Damn it Lillie answer me!” He snaps loudly. It makes me jump. He was scarring me.
“Yes, okay yes he was! Don’t fucking yell at me!” I snap back at him. 
Niall suddenly swerves the car over to the side of the road making it jerk. He begins to back it up. 
“What are you doing?!” I demand as he starts to drive towards Starbucks again. 
“I’m gonna tell the son of a bitch your mine!” He growls. 
“Niall don’t! I mean it! Don’t!” He ignores me and speeds up. I glare at him and something comes to mind. I open my car door about to roll out when Niall yanks me back in and slams the door shut. 
“Are you fucking crazy!?” He yells at me. 
“What else was I suppose to do! You weren’t listen to me!” I say once he stops the car again. 
“That doesn’t mean you try to jump out of a fucking car while its moving! You could have died!” 
His whole body is trembling now and the darkness is in his eyes. 
“I’m sorry okay. Just leave it alone with Phil. Please!” 
He looks away from me and sighs. He pulls the car out and we begin to make our way away from Starbucks. We don’t speak about it anymore. 
Finally we pull up to a nice Italian resturant and before getting out he takes his large hands in mine.
“I’m sorry if I scared you.” He speaks softly. “I don’t ever mean to raise me voice with you.” 
I sigh. I can’t help but fall for this side of him. His gently side he rarely showed. It was nice.
“It’s fine Niall. I just, I heard that Alex went to the hospital and I didn’t want Phil there too.” 
Niall takes a deep breath and kisses my hand. 
“Let’s go eat.” 
We get out of the car and I slightly feel underdressed. Niall has on a nice fitted button down dress shirt and some dark jeans. All I had one was legging and a begging sweater. Cute right. 
We are soon in and seated at our table. It’s a really nice place. Niall orders the wine then smiles. 
“You look cute.” 
“Thanks.” I say not really believing him. He chuckles and looks down at the menu. 
I notice I little nick on his temple. It’s not bad, but it’s bleeding a tad. 
“Niall, what happened?” I say gesturing towards its. His face hardens. 
“Nothing babe. It happened at work today.” 
“What do you do again?” 
“Drop it Lillie.” He warns. I sigh frustrated. 
“You never did tell me about your parents?” He says changing the subject. I look down. 
“Yeah, well…I don’t like to talk about that.” 
“Please tell me?” He asks sweetly. It wasn’t fair, I was forced to tell him stuff about me but when I want to know how he got a damn nick on his head, I’m not aloud to know? I calm down a bit. 
“It’s really nothing to big. Just my dad was an ass to my mom and me, so we left. Never looked back.” I say not taking my eyes off the menu. 
“I see. So it’s just you and your mom?” 
“Yeah, it was….until she died a couple years ago from cancer.” I look up at him and he looks sad? 
“I’m sorry Lillie, if you didn’t want to talk about It, I shouldn’t have made you.” 
“It’s fine I guess….will you at least tell me about your family?” 
He looks down now. After the waiter takes our order Niall answers me. 
“What do you want to know?” He looks kinda nervous. 
“Just about them, where they are, your brother, is it just your brother and you or?” 
“Yeah. Just me and Greg. My dad, bobby and my mom, Maura, don’t live around here though. I don’t really talk to them anymore. I do to Greg though, we sorta work together.” 
“Oh well that’s good. Why don’t you talk to your parents anymore?” 
“When I was about 14 I started getting into stuff with Greg. Drugs. And we kept it a secret for a while but eventually they found out. And didn’t like it. They kicked me out when I was 18, and for a while I lived with Greg. But then I stopped doing them. I wanted more then that in my life. 
So I moved out and got my own place. Then I met you.” He smiled at the last part. 
I nod and look at him seriously. 
“So, you stopped. Right? For sure?” 
Niall takes my hand from across the table and nods. 
“I promise.” I sigh and nod. I believed him. 
After dinner Niall and I head home. He begs me to come over his house tonight. 
“I don’t know Niall, are you gonna try shit?” I ask reluctantly. 
“Well I can’t promise you I won’t but…” He says smirking. I roll my eyes at him. 
“Please. I want you tonight.” I glare at him and he chuckles. 
“Not like that, I mean if you want it like that then-” I punch him causing him to chuckle again. 
“I have a feeling your gonna make me anyways so…” 
A smile breaks across his face. 
“Probably, I just want you to feel like you had a choice.” I roll my eyes at him again. 
“Let’s go then.” I say with a sigh. 
He smirks and begins to drive to his house. What have I gotten myself into…..

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