Chapter 28

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I drove fast down the road. My fingers couldn’t stop tapping on the stirring wheel as I thought of Alan even close to Becca. He couldn’t hurt her. He just couldn’t. I would never forgive myself. 
I was already half out of town and I knew Niall wouldn’t be able to find me in time. 
I mean I did steal his car. He’s going to be pissed too. Unbelievably pissed. But I couldn’t just sit back and let Becca die. I didn’t exactly know either what Alan was going to do once I got there. 
Kill me? Use me as bait for Niall? Torture me? I had know clue. I didn’t care at the moment either. 
He had Becca. That’s all I was thinking about.

After a long while I’m finely back in my home town. I missed this place so much. 
I stop at a gas station, close to my flat and just sit there. I didn’t know what to do. 
I hear a tap on my window suddenly though and see a familiar face. Harry. Harry Styles. 
I get out of the car and he hugs me instantly. 
“Lillie! What are you doing here? Thought you left?” He asks thrilled to see me. 
“Yeah I did, but I’m back visiting now.” I say trying to fight back tears. 
“Where’s Niall?”
“H-he’s on his way up here too, we drove secretly.” I lied. I don’t think Harry bought it. 
“What’s going on Lillie?” 
“W-what do you m-” 
“I mean Niall wouldn’t ever let you drive Separate. That much I know.” His face is hard now. 
“H-Harry it’s nothing, please-” my brain fumbled for something to give him. Anything. 
“Lillie. Tell me.” He started to sound like Niall. Ha. 
“M-me and Niall got into a fight!” I spit out. Yeah, sure lets to with that. 
“Oh, really?” He seemed to be buying it. 
“Yeah, I just wanted to take a little drive and visit here for a bit.” 
“I see, I’m sorry.” He seems sorry as his jade eyes glow almost. 
“It’s fine I jus-” Im cut off suddenly by him crashing his lips to mine. 
My heart stops and I’m stunned. At first I didn’t do anything. I just kinda let his lips move with mine. 
But then I realized what actually just happened and I pull away. 
“H-Harry, I-I-” 
“It’s okay. I just wanted to see how it felt.” His dimples flash and I can’t help but blush.
“Stay safe, okay?” He says smiling. I nod still stunned. He kisses the top of my head then leaves. 
What the fuck just happen?! Any kind of fear was gone do to that kiss. I loved Niall. 
The kiss didn’t make me question that, even though it wasn’t half bad. It just took me by surprise. 
I get back in my car and shake my head, trying to clear my thoughts. I needed to focus on Becca.

I was shaking by the time I got to my flat. I was exhausted. The drive was so long. But now I could feel myself stalling. I took a deep breath before getting out of my car and to the door. 
I open it slowly. I’m terrified. But I push myself passed that and walk in, closing the door behind me. It’s silent. I can feel someone’s here. I start to move towards my bedroom when I hear muffled noises. Becca. It sounded like Becca. I whip open the door and see her tied and my taped shut to my bed. She’s crying and her eyes are filled with horror as she sees me. 
“Oh my god Becca!” I panic running to her. She looked fine. Shaken up, but fine. 
She’s trying to talk furiously through the tape while looking at me. 
“What?” I ask about to take the tape off her mouth. 
Suddenly though I’m whipped around and faced with the man I’ve been hiding from. 

Niall’s P.O.V

I wake up slowly, stretching. My hands automaticity look for her. For Lillie. 
When I find nothing I panic. My eyes flash open and her petite body isn’t where it’s suppose to be. 
Fuck. I jump up and look all around for her in our small flat. She wasn’t here. 
Rage starts to intoxicate my body as I spot a note by my bed stand.

I’m sorry I had to leave. I know you’ll probably be pissed, but I had to. Alan is going to kill Becca if I didn’t come. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me if I see you again. I love you. Always.


I crumble up the piece of paper in my hand and let it drop to the floor. I try to control all the emotions coming at me. Anger, anxiety, fear, rage, darkness, all of it was too much. 
My jaw clenches tight and I can’t hold it in. I connect my fist with the dry wall making a hole. 
I leave it there and rest my forehead against the wall as my whole body trembled. 
What the fuck was she thinking?! That she was gonna be some hero and save Becca? 
She could get killed! He could hurt her again! I couldn’t deal with that. Not ever again. 
I’m already out the door and walking furiously down the street. She stole my car. Of course. 
I yank some prick out of his parked car as he was texting and get in myself. 
I ignore his protests for me to get out as I speed away. 
She was never leaving my sight after this. I don’t care if I have to lock her up somewhere but she will not be putting me through this again. Ever. I don’t think Lillie realized how much she meant to me. She was the only thing in this world that made me want to keep going. 
My life was shit before her and wasn’t going to let anything take her away from me. 
I needed her. I loved her. I just pray I’m not to late.

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