Chapter 26

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I stare back at him in complete shock. He was here. Staring back at me. Talking to me. Why?! 
I push him outside my room and close the door in fear of Niall finding out he’s here. 
“What the hell are you doing here?!” I snap at him. 
“Jee nice to see you to Lillie. I can’t say hi to my own daughter who I haven’t talked to for a long time?” He says trying to be innocent. I grit my teeth. 
“No, no you can’t.” He frowns but I don’t care. 
“I saw you at down town today. You look great Lillie. I miss you.” 
“Oh really? You miss your daughter or your punching bag?” I spit tearing up. 
“Jeez Lil, I-I don’t know what to sa-” 
“No! No you don’t get to say anything!” I try to calm down so I don’t wake Niall but my anger was boiling up inside me. My dad just stared at me in shock. 
“H-how’s your mother?” He said after a moment. He really wasn’t making this better for himself. 
“She’s dead dad. She died of cancer. You didn’t even s-show up at her fucking funeral!” 
I cry now overly upset. My dad looked down in shame. 
“Oh my god Lil, I-I-” he couldn’t even finish. I didn’t want him to. 
“What do you want?” I ask just so fed up with him. 
“I-I just saw you and needed to hear your voice. Who was that guy you were with?” 
“None of your damn business.” I bark. 
“Hey listen you may not want any part of me but you can’t just talk to me like that.” 
“Like hell I can. It’s not have as bad as what you told me everyday of my life!” 
His face got angry. He stepped closer to me and it instantly brought back horrifying memories. 
“Watch it Lil.” 
“Just get the fuck out of here!” I say pushing him away from me. I didn’t want to talk to him or even look at him anymore. I turn to go back in when suddenly he grabs my wrist and spins me back towards him. 
“Listen Lillie, I came back here to make peace with you, and your acting like a bitch!” He spat. 
Before I can even respond there’s a deep ripping growl from someone. 
My dad is yanked away from me and pinned against the opposite wall by Niall. Of course. 
“Who the hell is this?!” My dad roared. 
“I’m your ticket to the hospital if you ever even come near her again!” Niall growled. 
“I’m her father I can com-” Niall punches my dad. Wrong move to tell him your my dad. 
“Oh, so your the son of a bitch who beat her? Well how does it feel uh?!” 
He throws another one. I’m to stunned to move. I’ve always dreamt about this day. 
Someone beating the shit out of my dad and giving him a taste of his own medicine. 
“What kind of father lays his hands on his daughter?!” Another punch to the face. 
“You don’t even deserved to be called that you prick!” Another one. And another and another.
“NIALL STOP!” My own my mouth betrays me. I didn’t want him to, but at the same time I did. 
As much as I loved seeing my dad getting the shit beat out of him, I-I just couldn’t watch. 
Niall turns back and glares at me for a beat and the darkness disappears.
He lets my father go and walks towards me carefully. After wrapping his arm protectively around my waist his attention his back to my dad again. Who is wiping away the blood from his lip. 
“Leave. Leave and never ever come near her again unless she says other wise.” He growls at him. 
My dad tries to look tough but swallows hard. He storms away angrily and I sigh. 
“You alright?” Niall asks still looking at my dad storming off. I nod going inside. 
“Y-yeah, I just never thought I’d see him again.” Niall shuts the door and walks up to me. 
“Well now you don’t have to worry about that okay?” 
I nod and he kisses me softly, bringing me to bed.

For the next month Niall and I still haven’t been found by Alan. We actually end up getting a flat and move out of our hotel. Niall says maybe in a couple weeks we can go back, but isn’t sure. 
He’s been calling Liam a lot and asking about Alan. 
I got a haircut. Well Niall gave me one. I know, I know, but it’s actually not that bad. 
It’s just above my shoulders and I actually like it. Niall does to. 
Anyways so we’re still hiding from Alan and Liam said now the police are involved. Great. 
I still kept in touch with Becca and Phil. I got fired from my job. I guess it’s understandable though, I haven’t exactly been showing up. Becca is still at her moms and she knows everything now. 
She’s worried about me of course. I told her not to worry. We were safe from Alan. For now. 
And my dad hasn’t showed up again either. I kind of figured that’s why I was so attracted to Niall when I didn’t want to be at first. It’s because my farther never protect me from anything and was actually the cause of any hurt towards me. My dad never was there, and never cared about me. 
And suddenly a male in my life does. Niall wants to protect me from everything and anything that tries to harm me. I never had that before. So I think that’s why I was so drawn to him. 
Well that’s not the only reason. At first Niall was hard and cold. Only wanted things his way. 
He’s still sometimes like that don’t get me wrong, but I think he’s defiantly softened. 
There’s not as much darkness in his eyes anymore. He’s more gently and less demanding with me as well. Like I said not all the time, but better then before. I love him. Past and all, I love him. 
Even though I had I feeling are future was going to be very tough for awhile, I love him. 
And I would until the day I died.

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