Part V - Chapter 4

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Damn, it felt good to have that gear off his back. The combat boots were coming off next. Tyler wanted to strip to his skivvies and flop onto his bunk like everyone else. They couldn't be bothered to stow anything just yet. He needed some relief from the heat, so he removed his kevlar vest and carefully stowed it in his locker.

Liberty! He rolled the word around in his mind to savor the feeling. He'd survived his first week as a real Marine completely unscathed. Which was more than some people could say. His company already had a guy accidentally shoot his own foot. His foot!  God, he'd wanted to laugh, he really did. But the poor kid was hopping around and screaming so loud he'd reacted without thinking. After tackling the Marine to the ground, he applied pressure to the wound and called for the medic. It was dangerous to have someone on the team who couldn't remember what a rifle's safety lock was for. How that kid made it through boot camp was beyond his comprehension.

His Staff Sergeant casually strolled into the squad bay, whistling. Tyler watched him from the corner of his eye. Without warning, the senior Marine barked orders to the men. Of course. I knew this was coming.

"Just what do you candy-asses think you're doing, huh? This is not some damn pre-school here. You can't just throw your shit around like you do at your momma's house. This is my house." He leaned into the face of a Marine named Phelps and yelled, "Do I look like your momma, boy?"

Before he could utter another sound, Tyler and the rest of the men scrambled to stow their gear. As each finished, they lined up at the end of their racks, standing at attention.

"Delta liberty. That means you shit-heads can't leave the base. You're restricted to Area 54. If I have to drag your asses back from Mainside, it's a ninja punch for every one of you. Do I make myself clear?"

"Sir, yes sir!" they responded in unison.

Tyler searched his memory banks for the acronym. Ninja Punch...NJP...non-judicial punishment. Crap. Not good. If just one of these young kids got out of control, he'd pay the price. They all would.

"Formation at twelve hundred on Sunday. Platoon dismissed!"

Nobody moved. The Staff Sergeant spun tightly on his heels and headed for the hallway, chuckling to himself.

Tyler was the first to heave a breath. "Elvis has left the building!"

Only half of his platoon laughed, but the hum of conversation once again filled the air. Tyler opened his locker and grabbed for his phone. Area 54 wasn't very big, and the only thing it had going on was a pizza joint. But there was one thing about liberty he was looking forward to—Julie.

Tyler headed outdoors to find a shady spot and some privacy. He really shouldn't be doing this. The last thing he needed right now was female distraction. It was a good thing she was so far away. At least their physical distance would keep things from getting too heavy.  He stopped short of the tree-lined park and put the phone back in his pocket. What am I doing?

There was something about her. He couldn't really put his finger on it. She wasn't his type at all. She wasn't edgy or emo, or even a tomboy. He usually went for a gal that could keep up with him athletically. But Julie, man, she was more like a porcelain doll. And she was Branson's sister. Even more reason to be careful with her. Still...

Scanning the park he realized it was filled with Marines with phones to their ears. Probably calling home. Home. When did Julie start feeling like home? He found a secluded spot under an oak and sat, crushing dry leaves beneath him. He took out his smartphone again and stared at it. It's just a phone call, right? He really wanted to see her this time. He swiped at the screen and selected video chat. The ringer was way too loud. Shit. Was everyone gonna be able to hear this? He scoped his surroundings while it rang. And rang. And rang. Dejected, he lifted his finger to disconnect.    

For Love, For Honor - #SYTYCW15 #CarinaPressWhere stories live. Discover now