Part X - Chapter 9

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The roar of an F-18 taking off overhead brought Tyler out of a deep slumber. As the afterburners kicked in, the little beach cabin shuddered its objection. He lay quietly, spooned with Julie, and waited for her stirring. She wiggled a bit under his arms and he loosened his embrace. She let out a snort, then resumed her soft snoring. He was amazed anyone could sleep through that thunderous noise.

He buried his face in her soft hair, nuzzling the back of her neck. A sigh of contentment escaped from his lungs as the grey abyss of slumber overtook him once again.

The aroma of a Kona blend of coffee eventually pushed aside the fog in his mind and encouraged him to rise. The sun was already high in the sky. They'd slept away most of the morning.

Pulling on shorts and a tank, he wobbled into the small kitchen.

"Good morning sleepy head." Julie greeted him with a brilliant smile.

"Good morning. What time is it?"

"Eleven hundred hours." The proud smirk on her face melted his heart.

"In case I forgot to tell you last night, I had a wonderful time."

"I did too, Tyler. The ball was absolutely a dream." She sipped at the hot brew steaming in her mug. "Thank you so much for bringing me here. I've loved getting a glimpse of your life as a Marine. I can see why you like it. The structure...schedule maybe? It suits you. Your Gunnery Sergeant told me last night you are scheduled to begin pilot training for drones. It sounded so exciting. He has such confidence in you. I'm so proud to be your girlfriend."

His cheeks scorched with embarrassment. And here he thought he was the lucky one. He stepped in behind her and slipped his arms around her waist.

"I'm proud to have you as my girlfriend." Sighing into her ear, he tightened his grip on her waist then released it.

"I never expected to be saying that—to anyone—at this point in my life. I mean, I thought any kind of dating relationship would be a distraction and I'd lose focus. That could be dangerous in my line of work. But it's all been so easy. Carrying the thought of seeing you again has gotten me through some rough times, Julie. Even the "no sex" part has been easier than I thought."

Her elbow met his ribs to shame him for his lie.

"Ok, so maybe that part has been a bit harder."



"What?" She turned and batted her eyes in feigned innocence.

"I'm appalled."

She scoffed at his mock offense. "Oh please. It's been hard for me too. I dream of our making love all the time."

Tilting her head, she leaned into his shoulder. I love you for respecting me and accepting that, Tyler. But there have been times when I...I felt I should throw my ideals to the wind..."

Kissing her forehead every so lightly, a flame surged through his pulse. He'd better stop now if he was going to keep his word. With a frustrated growl, he released her and stepped back.

"I don't want you to do that." He poured himself some coffee and studied her over the cup's rim as he tested the hot elixir with his tongue. She was contemplating the situation—of that he was certain. But he couldn't figure out if he'd over-stepped any boundaries. Let's face it, he wasn't used to this kind of intellectual romance. It was definitely uncharted territory.

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