Part VI - Chapter 5

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Serendipity. Or was it Divine intervention? It didn't really matter. She and Tyler would be together soon and it was all she could think about.

If it weren't for the reasons behind this interlude, it might be perfect. The word 'deployment' was such a scary thing. Tyler had barely settled into his duty station when he got word of his deployment. Michael found out he would be leaving soon after Tyler. Julie's plans to visit her brother became pointless when he announced he'd be coming home for leave before he deployed. She initially panicked over her non-refundable flight to California. Things certainly looked bleak for a little while, until Serendipity stepped in and made itself at home. Tyler would be back in California for his pre-deployment leave at the same time her trip had been scheduled. And he invited her to come and visit his mom's ranch. She accepted without hesitation. It was all happening so quickly. Almost too quickly.

There were doubts, of course. Shannon's words still stung. It did seem silly, really, to think that you could truly get to know someone without being in their physical presence. The weekly chats, sometimes into the wee hours of the morning, were almost as good as being in together person...weren't they? With discussions that ranged from bellybutton lint to financial investments to birthing goats, clearly they could converse about anything. She'd never known a man who was so willing to share what he was thinking. It was refreshing. She didn't need to analyze or wonder what was on his mind. They had similar expectations for family and politics—the tricky bits that had torpedoed more than one promising romance in her life. They did have differing opinions on attending church. It was very important to her, but Tyler could take it or leave it. He was so open about the subject, and willing to consider her opinions, this didn't seem insurmountable. For now, anyway.

The only flaw, if you could call it that, was that he was very clear he planned a on getting "his shit together" before he would be ready to settle down. He repeatedly mentioned that he needed to make sure he would never repeat his father's mistakes. The tone of his voice whenever he broached this subject was so melancholy it broke her heart. She didn't know exactly what his father had done, but she was sure Tyler was nothing like him.

By the time her plane was on approach for Los Angeles, she had over-analyzed the situation to the point of exhaustion. Circling over the sparkling Pacific Ocean, the view from her tiny window rejuvenated her mind. As the passengers began to disembark, she braced herself for the unknown.

Julie spotted him before she cleared the ramp. A head taller than everyone else—maybe more with the ratty old cowboy hat he was wearing—she was relieved to see him grinning from ear to ear. In an instant, he was at her side grabbing for her bag. Without a word, he offered her his arm and guided her through the crowd at the gate. He hesitated once they were clear and dropped her bag. It hit the slick linoleum with a startling thud. Without taking his eyes off hers, he nervously swiped his palms on the thighs of his tight blue jeans. Then, with a single fluid movement, he gathered her into his arms. His calloused fingertips lightly stroked her face and she leaned her cheek into the cup of his hand.

"Welcome to California."

"Thank yo—"

His lips gently covered her mouth. She took in a sharp breath. Looking deep into the stormy seascapes that were his eyes, she smiled with contentment. Dark lashes lowered and stole them from her view as he pressed himself into her and deepened the kiss.

Ethereal clouds filled her head. The airport and bustling crowds vanished. Hearing nothing but the quickening of her own heartbeat, she clung to him as her body went limp. Of course she'd been kissed before, but was it ever quite like this?

For Love, For Honor - #SYTYCW15 #CarinaPressWhere stories live. Discover now