Chapter 11

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Kuroko was lying alone in the garden of his school. He can't help but remember the outcome of the game


Tsubaki was panting trying to catch his breath "I think I'm dying" he said Kuroko

Kuroko snorted and gestured towards the other players "And what do you think of their situation?" He asked while raising an eyebrow

Tsubaki, Sakurai and the others were tired, you could see it even from afar but their opponent weren't any better, all of them were layered with sweats and you could see that all of them were trying to catch their breaths

Kuroko looked at the time 'Only 1 minute left' he thought and looked at the score board 'We're leading by 1 point, we can win this' he added

Kuroko tooked a deep breath "Everyone" he called out to his players causing for them to look at him

"Only a minute and we're leading by a point, do you wanna win this? Or do you just give up and let them have this?" Kuroko asked looking at his teammates one by one

Tsubaki smirked still panting "We are going to win this" he said "but first, let me catch my breath" he added for measure making Kuroko and the others to roll their eyes at him

Meanwhile on the other side....

"Damn, only a minute and they're leading by a point" Kagami cursed looking at the team that was on the opposite side of the court, They were on offense while Kuroko's team was defense

"Calm down, we have the ball and don't forget there's still time, we can still win this" Akashi said while dribbling the ball in his hands

Kagami looked at Kuroko and gritted his teeth 'I don't care if we were close back then, I'll never lose to you, Kuroko' he thought while glaring at Kuroko who seems startled by his change of attitude but none the less smirked in his direction

Back to Kuroko....

'Oooh, the tiger is about to hunt its prey' He thought while smirking in Kagami's direction 'Then I guess it's about time I get serious too' he thought again and instructed his teammates to go into position

"Only a minute left but I'll rather die than lose to you Kagami-kun" Kuroko murmured taking his position and watching Akashi closely who currently has the ball but to Kuroko's amazement the ball disappeared from Akashi's hand and into Midorima "Crap" he cursed and yelled to Azusa "AZUSA BLOCK HIM!!" making Azusa cursed and run forward straight to Midorima who was about to release the ball

Time seemed to stop when Midorima let the ball go, Azusa cursed because he failed to stop Midorima and he whip around and saw that there was still 30 seconds

Azusa was startled when he felt a hand touched his shoulder and whip around to see Kuroko. He was just about to say sorry when Kuroko held up his hands silencing him "There is still time, we can win this" Kuroko encouraged him making Azusa smile and nod

The whistle was blown and the game started again, Kuroko has the ball and he was advancing at a fast pace but was stopped when Kagami blocked his way while smirking in his direction "Just accept it Kuroko, you can never win against us" Kagami said with a mocking look in his eyes "You were a shadow in the first place, why don't you return to one" Kagami continued "You never belong to anything, you can only play if you have a light but look at you right now trying to act tough when truly your just a weakling hiding behind your teammates" after Kagami said that, something snapped into Kuroko and he just bounced the ball one time before disappearing in front of Kagami only to reappear a few blocks away from him

"What are you doing?" Kagami asked clearly confused at the moment but Kuroko didn't answer just stand there while dribbling the ball while looking at the timer

'Only 10 seconds left, that's enough for us to win this" Kuroko thought before shooting the ball

Aomine and the others gape 'KUROKO SHOOT A THREE POINTER?!!" They thought while gaping at Kuroko

4 3 2 1

Before the buzzer came off the ball enters the ring



"A buzzer beater" Riko said while holding onto the bench "He purposely didn't shoot to wait until he was sure that there was no time left to counter attack if he ever shoot the ball" Riko murmured "What great thinking" she added

Momoi nodded "He's not just a good player, he's also a fast thinker, Kuroko improved and that's saying something because if you say that Kuroko will be able to shoot a three pointer to me years ago, I would of shrug you off and walk away thinking your crazy" she finished

While on the court Kuroko looked at Kagami dead in eye with a stoic expression causing for Kagami to flinch under Kuroko's stare, now that the circumstances has been cleared Kagami's words towards Kuroko came rushing back to him with vengeance

Kuroko walked towards Kagami and stopped just before him and smirked at him "Kagami, always remember that although I'm a shadow I can still consume you, after all light always draw darkness in" he said "And also think before you act because sometimes...." Kuroko trailed off and lean into Kagami's ear "The one being hunted can also become the hunter" he finished and walk off towards his team leaving Kagami to regret what he said during the last minute of the game

Flashback ended.....

Kuroko sighed "What to do? It so boring today" he murmured and closed his eyes

From the back of Kuroko's eyelids he saw a shadow looming over him making him snap his eyes open to see who was infront of him, well more like on top of him but anyways

Momoi stood over Kuroko while smiling down at him, Kuroko sighed "Momoi-san, did you need something?" He asked closing his eyes again seeing as it was only Momoi

The said girl frown "I expected you to be happy to see me but I see that I'm unwanted, so I guess that I'll take my leave" Momoi said trying to make Kuroko guilty which for a fact did make Kuroko guilty

Momoi pretended to leave but Kuroko sat up abruptly stopping her "I'm sorry Momoi-san, I did not want to come out as rude when I close my eyes and ignore your existence beside me, I just thought that you wouldn't mind talking to me with me being like that and all" Kuroko said "But if I offended you in anyway I am very sorry for that" he finished looking concerned making Momoi giggled

"Since when did you become so formal, Tetsu" Momoi said while chuckling making Kuroko chukle as well

"Well, people do change and I believe I was always like this" Kuroko stated

Momoi nodded "But you weren't like that"

Kuroko tilted his head perplexed "that?"

"I mean being too formal and all that stuff" Momoi expalined while flailing her arms around

Kuroko sat up a little more and face Momoi properly "So, what did you come here for?" He asked truly curious on why the pink haired girl is here in his school

Momoi's face turned serious and she sat straighter "I wanted to talk to you about something" making Kuroko gulped at the way she looked at him

"What about?" Kuroko asked suddenly nervous

Momoi took a deep breath "My feelings towards you" she bluntly stated

Kuroko was speechless and the only thing that was going through his head at the moment was














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