Chapter 12

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"U-um...." Kuroko trailed off while looking at Satsuki still shock at what she had said "Y-your f-fe-feelings?" It came out more of a question rather than a statement

Satsuki nodded "Yes, the feelings that I have been harboring since middle school"

Kuroko sweated 'This is bad, I can't think properly' he said then added 'Well of course I'll be shock and in result I will fail to use my brain, it won't even function at the moment, DAMN IT!!' He thought to himself

Kuroko cleared his throat "And so?" He said looking at Satsuki indicating her to speak

Satsuki nodded her head again "As I have said I'm not here for some idle chat, I am here to confront you seriously without tackling you or even doing something improper that might offend you" she said looking serious and determined at the same time

"A-ah yes I h-have-" Kuroko cleared his throat "I mean yes I've noticed and what of it? It doesn't change anything at all and in fact you tackling me is not connected about your feelings for me" Kuroko said while keeping a straight face although he was freaking out inside

Satsuki sighed "It seems that you didn't get what I said about the tackling part" then she added "Me tackling you is what people would say showing affection to the person you love"

Kuroko's jaw hit the ground and he seemed frozen 'THAT WAS BEING AFFECTIONATE?!!' He thought

Satsuki tilted her head "Is something the matter?" She asked

Kuroko shooked his head "It's nothing, anyway please continue" Kuroko urged, If Satsuki wants to speak more of this so-called feelings of her then he doesn't have a choice but listen after all being a gentleman is his forte

Satsuki nodded once again looking at Kuroko before continuing "I know that It doesn't sound like I'm telling the truth but what I feel for you is true and pure, my love for you gets stronger every day and I will do anything to make you happy everyone knew that I like you and supported me, I was going to confess to you after our graduation but you suddenly disappeared"

Kuroko looks away suddenly losing the feeling of freaking out inside but was feeling dull all of a sudden "It was for the best" he said still not making eye contact

After saying that Satsuki slapped Kuroko on the face shocking Kuroko and even Satsuki herself but Satsuki can't bring herself to apologize not after what Kuroko said "The best? Did you just said it was for the best? DID YOU KNOW THAT ALL OF US FREAK OUT WHEN YOU DISAPPEARED?! DID IT EVER CROSSED YOUR MIND THAT YOUR GOING TO LEAVE SOME PEOPLE WHO CARES FOR YOU DEEPLY?!! AND DID IT EVER CROSSED YOUR MIND THAT YOU MIGHT HURT US BY LEAVING US BEHIND WITHOUT NOTICE?! WHEN DID YOU BECOME SO SELFISH THAT YOU DIDN'T EVEN THINK OF  OTHERS?!! 

Kuroko lowered his head and gave a dark chuckle "Me?" He asked "Being selfish? Can you please stop spouting nonsense, It's getting on my nerves" he said startling Satsuki and making her step back

"Tetsu-kun" Satsuki said trying to reached out for Kuroko but Kuroko back away from her

"And can you please stop looking at me like I'm the criminal here even though I'm the victim here I'm being treated as though I'm the one at fault" Kuroko said with a grim tone on his voice

"I didn't me--" She was cut off when Kuroko look at her almost incredulously "You didn't mean it? Really didn't you know the saying You better taste your words before you spit them out" Kuroko spat looking angry all of a sudden

"We really care for you Tetsu-kun" Satsuki trying to take Kuroko's hands but Kuroko slap it away

"If you really care then you would have search for me when I disappeared years ago after our graduation, You shouldn't have waved me off like I was nothing but a trash to all of you, I even left a note for each one of you...." Kuroko trailed off  "I thought that if you read the letter that I wrote then all of you will come rushing towards my destination wanting for me to stay, I even wrote where I was but none of you came not even one, and did you know that I waited for someone to stop me? I waited and waited in that snowy night hoping for someone to stop me but nobody came not even you" he finished looking a little teary-eyed

Silence surrounded the two until Kuroko hears a sound of sobbing and when he looked up he saw Satsuki sobbing in her hands "Why are you crying?" He asked Satsuki almost incredulously "I should be the one crying here you know"

Satsuki was shaking her head "You don't understand" she said still shaking her head "You don't understand anything at all, we are not at fault here, it's because you had to leave that things got even more complicated" she said still sobbing 

Something snapped inside Kuroko and he suddenly stood up to his full height a look of fury dancing across his face "I don't understand? THEN PLEASE ENLIGHTEN ME, TELL ME WHAT I DON'T UNDERSTAND BECAUSE IT SEEMS LIKE YOUR SAYING THAT I'M THE ONE AT FAULT HERE WHEN TRULY I'M THE WHO HOPED, WHO BELIEVED THAT SOME OF YOU WILL STOP ME AND AS I RECALL I WAS THE ONE WHO WAS BROKEN NOT YOU BUT ME!!" It was good that no one was around because Kuroko's voice echoed throughout the garden "And to add it up my promise with Kagami never came true, the one thing that I held close to me at that time was Kagami's promise to stay and play basketball with me as long as we can still play, of course I know that it wouldn't last long even if it came true but hearing Kagami say that he didn't made such childish promise and that once we graduate he'll stop playing basketball as a player of some team but will study instead struck me hard but I still gave him a chance when I was leaving I put something in Kagami-kun's letter that only Kagami knows it's up to you if you want to know or not" Kuroko finished before turning around

"Wait" Satsuki called out and grab Kuroko's arm "I don't know how our conversation drifted from my feelings to what happened 4 years ago but always know that what I said about my feelings were true" She said before letting go

Kuroko huffed "We will see" and was about to walk away when Satsuki said "You know that you have to give an answer right?"

Kuroko snorted "I know that" and walked away, Satsuki watched Kuroko's back until it disappeared from sight 

Satsuki sighed and looked up at the sky "My goal was to confess only but got information on why he disappeared 4 years ago" she smiled and looked down at the grasses "I wonder what Kuroko meant when he said about Kagami only knows what's on the letter?"

After saying that, Satsuki came to the conclusion that Kuroko wrote something in Kagami's letter that none of them knew and now with new determination she walked out of Tohoku University heading towards Kagami's house bringing her phone out ready to call out the others

On Kuroko's Side........

'Damn, why did I say that?' Kuroko thought while cursing his self 'They weren't suppose to know' he addded

Let me explain, Kuroko didn't disappear just because of Kagami but also because everyone drifted away from him and Kuroko couldn't take it and so he disappeared, he gave them one more chance and that is to stop him from leaving but in the end they discarded him and the letter, hurting Kuroko more than he thought he would be

"It's all in the past now and I'm not going to change what has happened because if that didn't happen then I wouldn't be the person I am today" He murmured to himself while taking deep breaths 

"Kuroko-chan" A familiar soft voice called out to him

Kuroko turn around to see Sakura approaching him while smiling, Now that you'd think about it, it is very funny that just by hearing Sakura's voice Kuroko can be rendered speechless and excited "Sakura-chan" Kuroko said while smiling softly opening his arms for a hug

Like an instinct Sakura run into Kuroko's embraced molding her body with him 'Why do I feel so complete when I'm with her? It feels like we're a jigsaw puzzle that fits together' Kuroko thought while embracing Sakura enhaling her scent

"Did something happen?" Asked Sakura while looking up at Kuroko

Kuroko nodded "I'm a bit tired, can you escort me to the band room" he said

Sakura smiled and tugged Kuroko's arms "Then let's go"

While walking, Kuroko smiled 'Yes, I wouldn't change a thing' he thought looking at Sakura fondly










Not A Thing.....



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