Chapter 18

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Kagami leaned against the wall for support. So many things has happened and his emotions are going rampant at the moment.

Taking deep calming breaths, he managed to regain his normal breathing and was able to think what Akashi just said before he left. Is he really ready to tell them the truth that only him and Kuroko knows of? Is he ready to face the past?

Kagami's heart constricted when he remembered how his whole world stopped for  a moment when he had read the letter Kuroko left him with.

He pushed himself away from the wall and trudged over his study table and picked up his phone. He dialed the one person he didn't believe he will talk to again.

After countless of rings, the person finally picked up "Hello?" The soft voice caused him to choke out a cry. God, how many years has it been since he had heard that voice? 8? 9? He didn't know, but just hearing that voice again makes him want to reminisce the past that he had left behind.

"Taiga is that you?" The soft voice asked worriedly, but at the same time happily

Kagami took deep calming breaths "H-hey it's me" he said, his voice cracking a bit

"You called" The voice from the other line said, even though he couldn't see it, he felt the smile that was blooming on that person's face

"Yeah, sorry if I couldn't come see you" he said, tears silently trickling out of his eyes

"It's okay" the voice said "What matters is that you're talking to me now" My God, hearing that voice again, he can't believe that he had left this person behind just because his parents wanted him to come with them to America.

"Y-you know, I-I'm thinking of visiting you" Kagami said, smiling a little when he heard the person gave weak squeal from the other line

"Really?" The voice asked, excitement clear on that person's voice but if you focus more on the voice, you can hear how tired the person is just by talking this long

Kagami chuckled "Yeah" he said, his resolve strengthening when he heard how happy the person is "I'll be there in Monday"

He looked at his calendar and saw that it was Saturday, so he still got two days to composed his self "Promise?" The soft voice asked

Kagami's throat closed up when he heard a slight quiver in that person's voice, like the person is expecting him to not come "I promise" he replied

"Okay, see you" The person said, voice laced with relief and Kagami replied with a see you as well before hanging up

He sighed and rubbed his eyes to wipe the tears away "Better get ready" he murmured before trudging towards his bedroom to pack his things

Meanwhile on the other side....

"Well...." Ray trailed off while looking at the awkward group in front of him "This is awkward"

"Glad you noticed" Tsubaki muttered, leaning on the wall and stuffing his hands inside his jacket

Ray glared at him for a moment but brought his attention back to Kuroko who was about to say something "I honestly don't know where to start" Kuroko said, his voice clogged with anxiety and his hand firmly held Sakura's hand

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