Chapter 20

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Kagami felt the fork his holding slid off his lax fingers 'Was he hearing things? Or did Kuroko just said—' his thought were interrupted when Kuroko chuckled and leaned forward. Resting his chin above his hands and looking at Kagami with raised brows "I said I forgive you. Don't you have anything to say"

Without warning, Kagami lunged for Kuroko "Wha—" Kuroko spluttered and struggled to get out of Kagami's grip "Let go idiot"

Then he heard the tell tale sniffling sound of Kagami, making him groan quietly 'Great, now he's crying and soaking my shirt' Kuroko grumpily thought, while patting Kagami's back "There there" he teased while rubbing the big man's back

Kagami huffed though it was muffled by his shirt "Do you really mean it?" asked by a still sniffling Kagami

Kuroko smiled and patted Kagami's hair "Hmm" he hummed with a nod

Feeling the gesture, Kagami burst into tears again, saying sorry and thank you again and again. Kuroko sighed again and just waited for the man to stop crying. 'Goodness sake, he's a grown up already and he's crying and clutching to me like a child' Kuroko thought

After a while, Kagami's sniffle subsided making Kuroko sigh with relief "You done crying?" He asked with hint of teasing in his voice

Kagami pulled back and scowled at him "I wasn't crying" he said and looked away with a blush on his face

Kuroko just gave him a blank stare at "Really?" He asked and as a response, Kagami nodded his head rapidly without making eye contact "Then why is my shirt soaked with tears and snot?" Kuroko teasingly asked

Kagami spluttered "There's no snot! Only tears" he stated, looking extremely red in the face

Kuroko chuckled "For such a big guy, you're a real cry baby"

Kagami huffed and just muttered idiot under his breath "What was that?" Kuroko asked tauntingly

"Nothing" Kagami replied, still not looking at Kuroko

Kuroko just shook his head at him "Well... Let's not put these food to waste" he said and picked up his glass of wine

Kagami just huffed at him and stayed quiet "What? You're giving me the silent treatment now?" Kuroko teasingly asked, sighing dramatically he slowly put the wine down and looked at the scenery outside "And here I was thinking that we could catch up and talk with each other, but it seems like you have other plans—" he was cut off when Kagami faced him and shook his head rapidly

"Hmm? Do you have something you would like to say?" Kuroko asked to a still teary eyed Kagami 'Cute' he thought. Who knew that this big guy can actually be cute? Well, his Sakura is far more cuter

Remembering Sakura, Kuroko goes quiet 'I still have to apologize for shouting, but they too were in the wrong. They should have known that if I tell them my story, there would be side effects and an emotional break down, but wait! was I the one in the wrong?' he thought, suddenly looking troubled

Kagami, seeing this became worried 'Did I do something wrong?' He thought and was about to say something when a hand suddenly slammed down in front of him "Tetsuya!! Why did you leave the house without telling us!!" Tsubaki yelled, making the whole restaurant silent

Kuroko cursed 'Idiot' he thought before taking a deep breath and glaring at Tsubaki who flinched back "Are you aware that we are in a public place?" He asked through gritted teeth 'How did they find me?! I gave the maid specific orders to not inform them on where I was going' he thought looking annoyed

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