Chapter 7

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"So, how are we going to get to the cemetery?" Amanda asked after school the next day.

                "We have no choice really, we have to fly," Shane responded to Amanda's question.

                "Great! Another sixteen hour flight!" Amanda said sarcastically. Shane and I laughed.

                "When are we going?" I asked.

                "I don't know, whenever I guess," he said it like he doesn't care.

                "Great, how about tomorrow. We need to get there as soon as possible right?" Amanda said, "might as well get the torture over now instead of later."

                I laugh. I lean down beside my bed to grab my suitcase underneath it. It was just a plain grey suitcase same as Amanda's, and my parents. The only one different was Shane's; it was all black. I just noticed how every day he wears a black shirt or pants and always has something black with him. I was going to ask him if there was a reason for that or did he just like black? But I decided against it.

                I lifted my suitcase onto my bed and Amanda did the same. I went over to the dresser on the wall and opened it to get my clothing out. I slid open the drawer and lifted all of my clothing out of it and threw it into my suitcase not caring about being organized.

                "Nice shot," I heard Amanda say, while she walks up to her side of the dresser and neatly picks everything up and carefully places everything into the suitcase.

                I walk over to my side dresser beside my bed and grab my cell phone, book, and laptop. I place my cell phone and book in a separate bag for carry-on and open my laptop and Google search plane flights. "Hey guys, there's one flight to Los Angeles tomorrow at noon. And there’s one at five." I said as I looked at the screen.

                "Let's take the one at noon tomorrow. I would like to get there as soon as possible. Wait what about your parent's do they know we have to go?" Amanda asked.

                "No. I haven’t told them yet. I don't think they need to come with us do you? I mean we can go the three of us, it won't cost much for airfare and get some of that potion and come back and give it to them. At most it will only take one day in the cemetery, and one day to get there and one day to get back. We can get it and come back in three days," I said.

                "Okay well let’s tell them now and we can say that we will be in California for a couple days in the underworld getting a potion to make us mortal again." Amanda said. "I'm sure they won't want to come with you. Especially if we are going to the underworld." She gave me an impatient look. "I'll go and get them right now and let's see what happens." She grabbed her room key that was lying beside her suitcase on her bed and walked out the door to get my parents.

                Almost five seconds later my parents walk through the door. "Why do you have you suitcases packed? Where not leaving yet are we?" My mom asked.

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