Chapter 3

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"This is yucky," he made a face at his oatmeal, his Arctic eyes squinting in distaste. "I don't like it."

"But that's all you're getting, so you have to eat it." I waved the spoon in front of his face as he stubbornly crossed his good arm over his chest. "Or you'll go hungry."

"I want eggs."

"They didn't give you eggs, they gave you oatmeal. So eat it." I was sitting crossed legged on his bed, his newly repaired leg resting next to my hip as I tried to feed him. Of course his broken left arm was his dominant one. When he had tried to feed himself righty he had ended up dropping oatmeal down the front of his hospital gown. Now he was shirtless and pouting.

"No," he shook his head tightly.

"Come on babe, you need to eat." I reached out and grabbed his jaw, forcing open his mouth so I could shove the spoon in there. He took the oatmeal and swallowed, but brought his good hand up to cover mine on his face. His thumb stroked my skin and his stunning cerulean eyes bore into mine.

"That's the first time since the accident that you've touched me when I wasn't crying or upset," he blinked softly, slices of blue visible behind his dusty lashes. "Why did it take you so long?"

I hated when he asked me questions like this. I didn't know what to say. "Tell me about how we met," I gave him what I hoped was a reassuring smile. "You know I love that story."

"Yeah you do," he giggled and removed my hand from his jaw. He didn't take his hand away from mine though. "I was standing in line at the convenience store at the end of my road buying milk when you came in and bumped into the display stand of chips. You knocked the whole thing over and I helped you pick them up." He smiled briefly, "But there was one last bag that you reached out to get, unintentionally tripping a man carrying coffee. He spilled the coffee all over you and I took you home to my place to get you some dry clothes and let you take a shower. When I saw you standing there in my sweatpants and tee-shirt I just knew. We've been inseparable ever since," he leaned in to give me a kiss and I turned my head slightly, pretending to go for more oatmeal while really just avoiding his lips. They grazed my cheek instead and I saw the now ever present look of hurt settle back across his face.

"Angelo?" a nurse poked her head into the room. "It's your lucky day, we're moving you to a new home."

"Really?" he looked confused. "Why?"

"Because it will be more comfortable for you," she checked the bandages on his leg. "First let me change these." I looked away as she unwrapped the soiled bandages from his newly constructed skin. I tried to give him a brave smile but my repulsion was hard to hide. It looked better, but I still felt sick when I saw the redness that had once been a perfectly healthy leg. He ducked his head, as if shamed, and toyed with the edge of his boxers. Minutes later he was cleaned and ready to go. "If you and," she looked at me so I mouthed my name, "Annie don't mind, we're putting you upstairs. A bit of a more permanent residency for you while you recover."

"Okay," he glanced at me for confirmation. "That sounds okay."

"Great," she beamed. "Now how are your ribs feeling?"


"The thing with bruised or cracked ribs is that they heel all by themselves, so it's perfectly all right for you to move around if they feel fine. We can move you in a wheelchair."

"Ohhh a wheelchair," he turned to me and smiled. "Like in Misfits."

I had no idea what Misfits was so I just nodded, "Just like Misfits."

"I'll go get the chair. Annie dear do you think you can sit him up and get his leg over the side of the bed without hurting him? If not just wait until I get back." She left before I could answer.

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