Family Part 3

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Maxon Pov
We got off the plane yesterday and I could tell America was happy with everything. Princess lily came to pick us up at the airport witch was nice of her. I think her and America hit it off very well. We got back to the second palace that they have and we had dinner and than went to sleep. We were all very tired from the plane ride. Today we are out at the beach and I am looking at my America. I still can't believe that I and married to her.
" Maxon! Come on!" She called.
Her and the kids are making a sand castle and are having a hard time at making one. Eadlyn keeps knocking it over and Ahern is trying to get away from America. I walk over and pick up Ahern and sit down with him in my lap.
" I am here what do you want my dear?"
" First: What did I tell you about calling me dear!! Second: Help me out with the sand castle."
America Pov
Maxon was walking around the beach. I was making or trying to make a sand castle with the kids. I think Eadlyn has something with sand castle because she keeps knocking it down! Ahern just wants to run around.
" Maxon! Come on!" I yelled to him. He looked up from the sand and started to come help me.
" I am here what do you want my dear?"
" First: What did I tell you about calling me dear!! Second: Help me out with the sand castle."
He was holding Ahern in his lap to make sure he did not get away. After we made the sand castle we went swimming in the ocean. Than later that night Maxon had a maid watch the kids so he took me out on a romantic dinner. We had to get back to the palace because tomorrow we were going to meet the queen and we need to make sure we leave on good terms.

Maxon/America After the selectionWhere stories live. Discover now