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Chapter 2 is here~ I don't own cardfight vanguard~

The brunette continued to lead the blue haired boy towards the park, carefully moving the boy so as to not have him bump into any more people.

On the way a small beagle ran up towards them, the brunette frowned slightly at how the younger boy made no attempt to pet the small dog as it jumped around excitedly around them.

"Why don't you pet it?...."

The brunette suggested as he knelt down to pet the small dog and motioned for the younger boy to kneel down as well. For he knew that sapphires would have most likely lit up at the sight of the beagle, however that was before he ruined his friend's life.

The brunette moved the blue haired boy's hand down towards the beagle slowly, for he could tell that the younger would have just continued to stare blankly at the dog.

Jades winced slightly when the dog growled at the boy and bit the younger's hand, drawing faint dots of crimson to appear upon the boy's hand, he guessed that the dog could sense that something was terribly wrong with the boy.

"Aichi, are you okay?....."

Kai asked softly as he watched emotionless blue orbs stare blankly at his bitten hand.

Pain filled jades at the thought that the boy was so far gone that he didn't even react to pain, it scared him.


"I'll take that as a yes......"

The brunette sighed as he pulled the smaller boy back into his feet and once again began leading the boy towards his favourite spot in the park; the bench.

Once they arrived the brunette made the younger boy sit down on the bench with him. Jades flickered towards the younger, he noted how pale the smaller boy had gotten in jus a few days. yes the boy was already somewhat pale to begin with, but it was now even more apparent for his skin was too pale, as if he hadn't had any sunlight in years even though he had been exposed to sunlight often by the older.

The brunette wondered if the sudden paleness of Aichi was due to his soul being broken, if so, it concerned him greatly, for he wondered if that meant that there was a time limit as to how long the blue haired boy could last without his soul.

"Aichi...... Please come back to me...."

The brunette whispered softly as he carefully embraced the younger, not being surprised at all by the lack of reaction. When the brunette moved away after a few moments jades were filled with fear.

"Please I don't want to lose you..... Not again....."


A soft sigh escaped from the brunette's lips as he smiled sadly at the younger while patting the boy's soft blue locks.

The boy seemed so fragile, as if the slightest push could cause his whole being to shatter just like his soul. Yet he was also dear to the brunette, causing the older teen to long for that familiar gleam within those sapphire eyes.

The brunette then noted that the smaller boy had begun to shiver slightly at the cool breeze. That was another thing that changed about the younger; he had become quite prone to even the slightest of chills, probably because his body lacked the warmth of a soul.

The brunette frowned at this, for he had thought that the weather would have been warm enough for the boy.

"I think I should get you back to my-our apartment, wouldn't want you to catch a cold"

Blue orbs blinked blankly towards the older in response, causing a small spark inside of the older's chest for he had shown at least that he was still listening to him.

With that, the older moved the young boy off of the bench and began to lead the slightly shivering boy towards his- their apartment. The younger's hand within his grasp seemed always seemed to him, the boy didn't seem to be able to produce his own body heat, this the brunette felt his own body warmth slipping into the younger whenever he touched him.

The brunette was thankful that it wasn't winter, if it was, he wondered how long the blue haired boy would have lasted. He couldn't help but grimace at the bleak thoughts and mentally scolded himself as jades looked back to check up on the broken boy.

He didn't want to think negatively like that, he assured himself that he'd somehow bring back the blue haired boy whom he had come to admire and love before winter came, it was the beginning of fall right now, so he had a bit of time before the weather became a serious problem for the boy.

"Aichi..... I have so much that I need to tell you when you come back to me...."

The brunette sighed as he quickened the pace when the sun became covered by clouds, for another source of warmth for the boy had been temporarily diminished.

When they reached their apartment, the brunette swiftly brought the boy inside and turned up the heat before watching the boy slowly make his way over towards the heaters. One of the rare times that the boy actually moved by himself was when he was in search of warmth.

The older teen felt his heart clench as he wrapped a blanket around the younger boy to help him regain the heat that he had lost.

He seriously handle how frail the boy looked when he was huddled on a blanket against the heater, blue orbs closed so that the boy almost looked normal despite the paleness of his skin.

"You don't look like a person who had defeated link joker and sacrificed yourself to protect everyone......"

Kai mused sadly as he went to change into more more cool clothes, for the apartment was uncomfortably warm to him, though he wouldn't have it any other way if it meant that the blue haired boy could regain his lost warmth.

He snuck a final glance towards the sleeping boy before retreating to his room to change.

Me: hmmm Aichi has a temperature problem

Kai: yeah.....

Aichi: what happened to those other guys from the last skit

Me: I lied about them replacing the two of you

Kai: I see......

Aichi: that's good..... I don't like to be replaced

Me: anyway..... I hope you people enjoyed the chappy~~~

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