Chapter One

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~Jean's P.O.V ~

Why did Mikasa want me to go on this goddamn blind date?

She must think that I'm lonely because Ymir and I broke up a few months ago and I'm still not over it, yet.

Well, Screw her. I'm not lonely in the slightest and I'm perfectly happy being single at the moment.

I was sitting inside of a restaurant called Reiner's Roadhouse waiting for the blind date guy.

A waitress came to my table.

It was Ymir. Ymir and I broke up on friendly terms, probably because I had just come out and she knew the relationship wouldn't work since I'

"Hey Jean"Ymir said.

"Hey Ymir"I said.

It's still awkward when we talk or hang out in public because a lot of people think that we're still dating and were definitely not dating anymore.

"Waiting for someone?"She asked, with genuine curiosity.

"Mikasa sat me up with a blind date"I replied.

"You.On.A.Date"Ymir laughed.

"Shuddup"I said.

At least we can joke and be friends after our dead romantic relationship our normal friendship still remained perfectly intact.

It actually worked out because a week after I came out as gay Ymir came out as lesbian so the relationship definitely wouldn't have worked even if I was straight.

"YMIR! TABLE SIX!"Reiner yelled.

Ymir sighed and stalked off to table six, Ymir is probably the best waitress working here and Reiner knows it.

That probably why he works her to the brink of insanity every damn shift. Believe me, I lived with her for a year and a half, and boy would she complain about him working her like there were no other waitresses in the damn joint.

Levi and Erwin were sitting at table six.

"Marco, Over there"A waitress said. It was Sasha. She was pointing at my table.

A tall young man with black hair and freckles walked over to my table.

"Jean?" Marco asked.

"Yep. And you must be Marco" I said.

"Yeah.Can I sit?" Marco asked.

"Of Course" I said.

Marco sat down in the chair across from me.

" old are you?" Marco asked.

"21" I said.

"Me too"Marco said.

"Cool" I said.

"Where do you work?" Marco asked.

"I work at Mikasa's Diner" I said.

"Cool. I work at Annie's" Marco said.

Annie's is Annie's bed and breakfast.

"Cool.How's Annie doing?" I asked.

"Good. Apparently, Reiner and she are going out" Marco said.

Ymir walked over to us.

"What would you like?" Ymir asked.

"A hamburger with a Root Beer" Marco said.

"Chicken Fingers and a Coke" I said.

"Got It. Have a good time, Jean" Ymir said.

She walked away and walked into the kitchen.

"You know her?" Marco asked.

"She and I went out in High School" I said.

"Oh" Marco said

"We're not together anymore" I said.

"You wouldn't be if you're on a blind date, correct?" Marco said.

"Yeah" I said.

After that, we were silent until Ymir brought us our food.

"Jean, don't forget to call Mikasa later" Ymir said.

"Shuddup" I said.

"Hope you enjoy" Ymir said.

Ymir smiled at me and Marco and then she left our table.


Marco answered his phone.

"Oh hey, Connie"Marco said.

"I'm busy" Marco said.

"Oh, it's Bert's birthday" Marco said.

"I'll be there in ten minutes" Marco said.

He hung up and looked at me.

"It's okay you can go" I said.

"Thanks" Marco said. He left enough money to pay for his food and he left.

Half of the Horse (Jean x Marco)Where stories live. Discover now