Chapter Four

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It's been three months since Marco was shot and put into a coma.

I've been thinking about him constantly.


I answered my phone.It was Annie.

"Hey Jean" Annie said.

"Hey Annie, what's up" I said.

"Did Mikasa not tell you?" Annie asked.

"Tell me about what?" I asked.

"Marco just got out of his coma" Annie said.

"Really? When?" I ask.

"Yesterday" Annie said.

"Tell him I said sorry about that blind date" I said.

"Okay" Annie said.

"Well, Thanks for telling me" I said.

"Sorry I gotta go Jean" Annie said.

"Bye Annie" I said.

Annie hung up.


My whole body ached.

All I remember is that a few thugs ganged up on me with guns.

I was in a hospital room.

Armin and Annie were sitting in chairs next to my hospital bed.

"Hi guys" I said.

"Marco, Jean said that he's sorry about the blind date" Annie said.

Jean.The guy I went on a blind date with.

The only reason I don't like him is because Ymir dated him instead of me.

But since Ymir and Christa are together now it doesn't matter.

"Can you call him, for me?" I ask.

"Sure" Annie said.

Annie called Jean.

"Hey Jean, Marco wants to talk to you" Annie said.

She handed her phone to me.

"Marco?" Jean said.

"Hi Jean, how are you?" I ask.

"I'm good, you?" Jean said.

"A little sore but otherwise okay" I replied.

"That's good" Jean said.

"Do you, maybe, want to hang out sometime?" I ask.

"Sure.Why not?" Jean said.

"Next Monday at 3:00, that's when I get out of the hospital" I said.

"Could I maybe come and see you?" Jean asked.

"Sure.At 5:30" I said.

"Okay cool" Jean said.

"See you then" I said.

"Bye, Marco" Jean said.

Jean hung up.I gave Annie back her phone.

Currently it's 4:30 so I have an hour before Jean gets here.

"Do you want us to leave?"Armin asked.

"I guess, I need some rest before Jean gets here anyway"I said.

Armin and Annie stood up and left my hospital room.

A minute after they left I fell asleep.

I walked into Marco's room and he looked as if he had just woken up from a nap.

"Hi" I said.

"Hey, Jean" Marco says.

I sit down in one of the chairs next to Marco's hospital bed.

"How've you been?"I asked.

"Good.But a lot of people have visited me" Marco said.

"Like who?" I ask.

"Armin, Annie, Eren, Mikasa, Petra, Reiner, Bertholder, Connie, and Sasha.In only one day!" Marco said.

"Well your popular" I said.

"I guess I am" Marco replied.

"So" I said.

"So what?" Marco asked.

"I'm sorry about High School and Ymir.She asked me out and I was afraid she would've beat me up if I didn't say yes" I confessed.

"She probably would have" Marco laughed.

"True enough" I smiled.

"Apology accepted.Sorry for being an ass on that stupid blind date" Marco apologized.

"It's fine" I said.

"Not really" Marco said.

"That's in the past, let's look toward's the future" I said.

"Wise words, Jean" Marco said.

"I know" I said.

After that we started talking about random stuff.

Things like what our dream jobs are, our dreams, our favorite movies, and so on.

I think Marco doesn't hate me as much.
How was the chapter my Amazeballs?

Sorry for all of these super short chapter's.

Comment who's point of view I do better.Jean or Marco.

Anywho don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Follow.

Farewell my AmazeBalls!

See you in the next chapter!

Half of the Horse (Jean x Marco)Where stories live. Discover now