Chapter Seven

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Final Chapter!!


The day after Marco and I went on a traditional date was long and boring.

Marco and I talked over the phone once.

We made plans for tomorrow.

Annie and Armin were throwing a partys on monday so Marco and I were going together.


I answered my phone.It was Mikasa.

"Hey Mikasa" I said.

"Jean! Thank god you picked up" Mikasa said.

She sounded as if she had been crying for hours.

"Mikasa what's wrong?" I asked.

"Eren said he didn't like me in a girlfriend type way!" Mikasa cried.

"Well he's stupid to say that" I said.

"Really? Oh thank you Jean!" Mikasa exclaimed.

For nearly two hours Mikasa and I talked over the phone.

"Well I have to go, Good night Mikasa" I said.

"Night, Jean" Mikasa said.

She hung up.

I climbed into my bed and fell asleep.
I woke up and nearly jumped out of bed.

I was meeting Marco at his place at 10:30.

I looked at my alarm clock and it said: 10:15.

I quickly got dressed and ran downstairs.

I hopped into my car at 10:20 and sped to Marco's.

I got there at 10:35.Marco was waiting outside.

"Sorry for being late, my alarm clock didn't go off" I apologized.

"It's fine" Marco said.

"So..where do you wanna go?" I asked.

"Um let's go to...The Movies" Marco suggested.

"What movie?" I asked.I hated the movies but I'll just have to deal.

"Jurassic World! It's back in because of popular demand" Marco exclaimed.

Marco told me about his love for Jurassic Park when he was still in the hospital.

"Alright..fine" I sighed.

"Let's Go!" Marco said.

We climbed into my car and we drove to the movies.

I paid for both of us and Marco bought a large thing of butter.

We walked in the movies and chose a seat directly in the middle.

The credits started playing and Marco practically sqealed.

After the movie was over we have a butt load of popcorn.

We were standing in the parking lot and Marco put the bag of popcorn on the hood of the car.

He walked over to me and kissed me.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and tugged him closer.

Marco broke the contact.

"Jean, I Love You" Marco said.

"Marco, I Love You" I said.

Half of the Horse (Jean x Marco)Where stories live. Discover now