Chapter Six

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On Friday Jean and I went to Reiner's Roadhouse.

We were doing a redo of our Blind Date.

When we entered the restaurant Sasha greeted us.

"Hey, Guys. Welcome to Reiner's Roadhouse" Sasha said.

"Hey Sasha" Jean said.

"Follow me" Sasha said.

We followed Sasha to a table. It was the same one from our Blind Date.

"Ymir will be your waitress tonight and Jean don't mess it up" Sasha said.

After she said that she left.

Jean flipped her off.

A random parent of a little kid glared at Jean.

I laughed. Jean started glaring at me.

"That is so not funny" Jean said.

"Yes, it is" I said.

"Fine. I guess it is.Haha" Jean said
"Yep" I said.

Ymir walked over to us and gave us both glasses of water.

"On the house" Ymir said.

"Thanks, Ymir" Jean said.

"Hey Marco, it's good to see you're doing okay" Ymir said.

"Thanks" I said.

"So what would you guys like?" Ymir asked.

"Can I have a cheeseburger and a Sprite" Jean asked.

"Can I have chicken wings and Pepsi Max" I said.

"Alright. I'll be right back with your drinks" Ymir said.

She walked away and into the kitchen.

"So how was your week?" I asked.

"Terrible. I had a massive hangover because of Annie's stupid party" Jean said.

"Annie had a party?" I asked

"Yeah. She said it was because of your recovery" Jean said.

"And I wasn't invited" I said.

"She said you weren't well enough" Jean said.

"Oh, very well" I said.

"I wonder when Annie will have her next party" Jean said.

"Probably next week" I said.

"Why next week?" Jean asked

"It's her 22 birthday next week" I said.

"Oh, I didn't know she was older than us" Jean said.

"Yeah" I said.

Ymir walked back to us with our drinks. She gave me mine and Jean his.

"Thanks" Jean said.

"No problem. Your food will be ready in a few minutes" Ymir said.

"So. How's Krista doing?" Jean asked.

"She's doing good" Ymir said.

"That's cool. Y'know Armin and Annie hooked up" Jean said.

"Finally. It took them long enough" Ymir said.

"So did Mikasa and Eren" Jean said.

"Really?Mikasa and Eren?" I said.

"I took them to end up living as if they were brother-sister but that's cool" Ymir said.

"Yeah. It's about time" Jean said.

"I mean Mikasa had a crush on Eren ever since grade school" I said.

"She did?" Ymir asked.

"Yep" Jean said.

"YMIR! TABLE TEN!!" Reiner yelled.

"Bye guys" Ymir said.

She walked off to Table Ten. I happily sipped my Pepsi Max.

"How's the soda?" Jean asked.

"Good" I said.

"That's good" Jean said.

"I guess" I mumbled.

"Hopefully the food is good like it usually is" Jean said.

"Yep" I said.

Reiner walked over to our table with our food.

He placed my food in front of me and did the same for Jean.

"How is Marco today?" Reiner asked.

"I'm doing good" I said.

"That's good. Jean, don't fuck up" Reiner said.

After he said that he walked away.

"Why would I fuck up?" Jean asked.

"Because you do sometimes" I replied.

"No I don't" Jean replied.

"Sure" I said.

After that, we ate our food and talked about random things.

By the time Reiner had to close we were just leaving.

"Thanks for coming, I had fun" Jean said.

"No problem, I had fun too" I said

" want my phone number?" Jean asked.

"Sure" I said.

Jean put his number in my phone and I put my number in his phone.

"Bye" I said.

"Bye, Marco" Jean said.
Hey guys! This F.F (Fan Fic) is finally getting somewhere!

Sorry for all of these short ass chapters!!

Anywho don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Follow!

Farewell my AmazeBalls!

See you in the next chapter!

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