Chapter 7

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I couldnt sleep last night because I Kevin lied to me back then about loving me . Who am I kidding? How could you possibly love a crabby bitch like me. I couldnt stop.crying so i went into the bathroom and turned the light on. I had to close my eyes for a bit that.light burned for a bit. I noticed my eyes were really black but what was even more shocking I had my baby bump. 1 month down 7 to go. Vampires are a month short when it comes to a pregnancy.

After I situated.myself i went into the kitchen. The microwave clock said "8:24", Which meant i had 3 hours until i had to go to my.launching event of my new fashion line " Spicez".

I cooked some eggs and bacon and brung it to the table..As i tryed to eat i gagged then i ran to the bathroom.and threw up. At first I thought it was the food but it was me. I tryed again and this time.i coughed up alot.of blood and my throat burned. I got a papertowel and held to my face and it drenched red everytime i coughed. So i ran to the room and threw a spoon at Kevin.

" What time is it " he asked stretching. I didnt say anything just coughed and fell.on the floor.

" Lila where are you? ", he asked getting out of bed.

I kept.coughing. He came.around the other side.of the bed shocked seeing a.pool.of blood around me . He picked me.up and put me in the bathtub., and yes it was already.filled bubbles and all. By that time.i stopped.coughing up blood but my throat still burned and i was still hungry.

" What the hell.happened to you?", he asked confused and worried.

" I breakfast and body wouldnt let me eat so.then i started coughing blood up and my throat burns and im still hungry, Im scared ", I said crying.

" Everything is going to be ok just stay in the tub , I will be right back ", he said zooming out of the bathroom.

He came back with a doctor , but i realized she had the same black eyes as me and Kevin. I wondered how Vampire Doctors act when they are around there human patients.

"Helloz I am Docterr Angeline, I hearz you are havingz a problem.with eating ", she said.

Kevin whispered something to her than she said " Oh thatz makez sense to me now". She went into her briefcase and brought out a bag it had raw meat.

" I hearz that you just been awakened not.too.long ago, and you arez pregnant " she said smiling at me.

" Yes and I tried eating my.regular food human food and my body wont let me , my throat burns", I said.

"Oh no no sweetie , none of thiz human food your baby wants blood , you shall not eat human food unless it has blood in it, and if you dont like that then you can go on a tirct.blood diet but as of right now , you have to bez on a strict.blood diet for the full pregnancy", she said giving alot of raw.meat.and blood packages for Kevin to put in our fridge in the room.

" Thank you so very much " I said holding the raw meat in my hand.

"Your welcome darling" , she said and left.

After he escorted the doctor out he came.back in the bathroom to keep an eye on me. Slowly I opened the package of raw meat and glanced at Kevin then back at the meat.

"What kind this?" I asked.

"Steak , does it matter? Just eat it or you wont feel better its 10:01 , you dont have much time left to get to the event your limo will be 30 mins , ifs your call." he said .

" Ugh, Fine." I said and put a piece of it in mmy mouth , my throat felt better.instantly . So i literally gobbled my meat up and took a shower with Kevin and got ready.

"Never in a million years would I imagine me being so gorgeous in a dress with a baby bump." I said putting a.piece of my.mouth to get the meat taste away. I had one of my new dress from my new label "Spicez " on it was so cute. Today I put a red wavy curly.wig on for Desir Sale look. Today is also the day i complete my.mission then in a week ill be going back home.

---@ Kevin's POV@----

I know her feelings are hurt , but i couldnt tell her I love her. It just isnt time yet , im going to do it when the time is right.

I walked up behund her and held Lila around her stomach. I placed a kiss on her neck and smiled at her baby bump. Our baby is going to be surrounded by love.

" You look gorgeous , Lilac" I said. She looked shocked and smiled.

" Let's go i hear the limo down the street " she said as.she put her contacts in .

"Your adapting really fast to the supernatural abilities of a vampire", I said surprised as we.walked down the stairs.

-----@ Back to.Normal@-----

As we arrived to the event I noticed my ex Johnny LoveHart was there. His british ass talk with a parisian accent and scream at me , that dirty whore. I have an excuse to kill him now. I just have to get him alone.

As soon as I stepped out the limo with Kevin , flashes happened and my adoring fans screamed. Then the ET (Entertainment Tonight ) came to interview me .

" Ms. Sale when were you gonna tell us that you and Johnny were expecting " , the reporter said baby bump. As if on que Johnny came.and put his arm aeound my waist an kissed me.

" We.were.waiting for the right moment ", he said having a tight grip. I tried to move , shit trouble.

"Well It seems the cute couple want some time alone, this has been ET ", the reporter said and left.

Johnny took me into the VIP room(sex lounge), and pushed me down onto to the bed. His sat on the edge of the bed and looked angrily. His eyes turned black and his fangs showed.

"You let another vampire touch you, and his scent all over you ", he he broke the mirror.

" Haha...Such a small world im a vampire too", I said as i took my contacts off and put them in the case.

" Your Mine , a pureblood vampire like you can help me take over the world." , he said climbing on top of me .

" No I'm Kevin's " , I said slapping him and getting my green balm gun .

" Silly Lila , U may be bonded with him but i own you " he said lunging towards me i was about to shoot him until i saw him fall.

Behind the dead Johnny was a outraged Kevin holding something purple in his hand.

I walked over to him.and he squashed the purple thing and embrace me in hug.

" You need to be careful since your pregnant and a pureblood many vampires will notice u more , cause you give off a odor of pregnancy.", he said.

" Ok, what was that purple thing you squashed ", I asked holding my stomach.

"It is a vampire heart, all of our hearts are purple , we have hearts but not your normal.kind of heart ", he said sitting down.

"Oh, so when i was vampire sleeped , my heart was red ?", I asked.

"No it turned yellow , which made you alot weaker , anyways now is not the time we need to burn his body ", he said.

Without hesistation i pulled a lighter out and set Johnny on fire. I looked around and saw the room.was red.

"I put a force field around the room , so he will burn faster and no one will notice " , Kevin said while Johnny body ashed.

Afterwards he casted a spell so no one would remember johnny but us and the PTWFV. We walked outside and to my surprise i saw my grandma.

"Lilac , iz darling ?", she said walking towards me.

Me and Kevin put a hand over he mouth and dragged her into his Mercedes.

"What a happened to.youz? Oh've been awakened !! " she said shocked.

"Grandma i will explain everything to you later", I said as we rode to the Suite.

A/N: Oh My lawd, Her grandma.almost.blew her.cover. Her grandma is very important. I will introduce her.and tell all about her next chaptwr.:)

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