Chapter 11

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When I woke up I noticed red walls around me . I was chained up against the wall and the only thing in the room was a little fridge , a Queen bed and one small window, along with a closet and a mirror. It hit me like I got slapped or something , I didnt have a dream that was a warning. I forgot about my pyschic abilities to see into the future.

I looked around my surroundings and shook my head . I looked into the mirror and noticed I was dressed in lingerie and my hair was down which is usually always up. This was fustrating I was chained up and useless. I wondered what happened and how long Ive been in here.

I didnt even notice I dozed off until Kierra came in and unchained me and put me on the bed.

"Wake Up, My Love,"she said.

"Wait a.minute, Am i fucking sex slave ?!?!," I asked.

"Yes, and No , Your going to be my wife and my sex partner, and if I cant have you no one will,"she said bearing her fangs at the thought.

"Bitch, home ," I said.

"Your so naiive, Lila your pregnant I can easily kill you, all I have to do is open the blinds and you'll die," she said smiling devishly.

I didnt.even know how to reply to that.

"You silly.silly vampire, you become weaker so your baby has nutrients therefore you cant withstand the sun,"she said stroking my arm.

"How long ?,"I asked.

"How Long what?,"she asked confused.

"How long Ive been in here ?,"I said.

", 2 months,I cast a spell on you so you wouldnt wake up tell today,"she said.

"What is today ?," I asked.

"May 9,2013, or should I say your wedding day, or have you forgotten yall changed the date ?,"she said amusingly.

" , your gonna wish you didnt do this ," I said.

" Oh but for now I will enjoy it while I can,"she said and kissed me.

I tried my best to fight her, so I wouldnt be cheating.....again. After I scratched her face and drew blood , her face healed she simply smiled. Then she grabbed and chained me to the bed. She fucked me only this time with a strap-on. I dony believe this is happening. Why does good things happen to bad people ?!?!

Kevin's P.O.V .

Tomorrow is our wedding day and for the past 2 months Lila's been at her friend's house. It was time for us to get married today. I drove over to Priscilla's house to pick.Lila up before I cant see her , rules of a wedding no groom.shall see the bride moments before the wedding. The wedding was an day away so I wasnt worried.

When I got out my car and knocked on her door, Priscilla looked surprised to see me.

"Oh my , Mr.Buichi such an surprise to see you ",she said then bowed .

"Im here for Lila," I said.

"Im sorry , Lila hasnt been in here in a looonggg time , me and her arent exactly on speaking terms" she said confused.

"Ah, I see will thanks for nothing ," I said and began to walk away.

"Wait I can help you find her if you want, Im a physchic vampire!,"she yelled.

"I'd like to see that," I said as I walked back.

When we went into her house , she led me to a room thats was completely black. On the walls were candles on each wall. We sat down at the table . She looked into her crystal ball and started chanting. I dont know what the hell she was saying but the crystal ball lit up and projected an image. It showed Lila in a room being fucked by some vampire bitch. If Lila wasnt chained up, Im sure she woulda punched that bitch and run away.The image went away and the crystal ball went back blank.

"Well, do you know where she is ?", she asked me.

"No,"I said.

"Yall are.bonded right ?", she said.

"Yeah, Oh Okay you want me to sense her ," I said.

"Yes, then make sure its a night ,you'll recognize her scent it will appear as a line of a certain color, it will lead you right to her ," she said handing me a a little bottle.

"What is this ?", I asked taking the bottle.

"For you to gather her scent color when you see it at night , wear it around your neck as a necklace, you will forever remember it," she said giving me a chain.

"Okay, Thanks ---Priscilla cut me off.

"Your wasting time, go find your woman ",she said pushing me out the door.

4 Hours Later.......

I woke up and hurridly put my clothes on. I washed my face , then grabbed the bottle and chain and put it in my pocket. As I went into the car I remembered I have to sense Lila before I see her color of her scent. So I git in the car and concentrated. I read her mind first , her thoughts are amusing. Then I began to think more and more about her and I felt her emotions about me as well. When, I opened

my eyes I saw a indigo trail. That was it, its her scent I can find her. I hurridly got out the car scooped indigo scent into the bottle and chained it and put it around my neck.I got back in my car and followed the trail. It led me to a big mansion suspectingly it wasnt gated.

I flew to the top and went to the window where the indigo trail ended the transported inside. Lila was sleep and I couldnt help to wake her up. No one was home anyways so we had a little time.

Lila's P.O.V.

I woke up and saw Kevin. I must be really weak Im hallecunating my fiancee'. I wanted to reach out and see if he was real or not. These chains get on my nerves I sware.

"Am I hallecunating you or are you real ?", I asked.

"Im. real ," he said.

"How do I know your not one of Kierra's.tricks to.fuck with my mind ," I said.

"Did you say Kierra ?,"he asked horrified.

"Yes, I did,".I said realizing this is indeed my.Kevin.

"Thats my sister,.no wonder why she kidnapped you, she has been in love with you for a loooonnggg time ," he said.

"Well Dam,"I said.

"Yeah, Well come on Im.going to get you outta ----a voice cut him off.

"I dont think so, Dear Brother ," Kierra said standing cooly at the door.

A/N: Oohhh!!! I just love what ive dine with story . Two chapters left. Wait dont cry yet Its a sequel to this story :)

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