Chapter 2

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As they rounded the corner...

As the Jedi rounded the corner, they saw Padawan Ahsoka sitting on a rock lent up against the pipe wall behind her. Ahsoka's right arm was lying in her lap bleeding profusely, her other arm was dangling down beside her, a dirty piece of metal clutched in her left hand weakly. Her head rested back against the wall of the pipe, her face still pailing, her eyes closed, her lips slightly parted and her breathing shallow.

Grand-master Yoda gently took Ahsoka's right hand and wrist into both of his hands and held her arm up to the light. He saw Ahsoka's right wrist bleeding heavily from a deep cut across one of her veins.

"Skywalker, something to wrap her wrist with, please, if you will. Hurry we must, much time left, she has not"

Anakin quickly ripped a long strip of cloth from his top and handed it to Master Yoda, who took it and binded Ahsoka's wrist tightly.

Just as Master Yoda finished tying up Ahsoka's wrist four clones came around the corner. Anakin looked at his trusted clones and friends, there was Captain Rex, Medical officer Kicks, fives and Echo.

"Kicks, Echo, i want you two to quickly go and get a stretcher and bring it back down here. We nees to get Ahsoka out of here and to the temple's halls of healing ASAP. Do you understand?"

The two named clones saluted saying ' yes sir' before running off to do as asked.

Rex and Fives looked at their General and asked "Sir if you don't mind us asking what exactly happened?"

"No, i don't mind, Ahsoka tried to commit suicide. I guess we pushed her a little to hard into surrendering." Anakin answered just as he saw Kicks and Fives returning with the stretcher, Commander Cody in tow. Altogther the Jedi and clones quickly got Ahsoka situated on the stretcher and out of the pipe line. They all got on a gunship which took them to the temple.

Once at the temple, the clones and Jedi took Ahsoka to the halls of healing where they were unceremoniously shut out. So began the long boring job of waiting to here news be that it Good or Bad they didn't know.

And so they waited and waited and waited until the door opened three hours later to reveal one of the healers, who looker completely exhausted. The healer turned to the waiting and said...

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