star wars the clone wars new life

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Chapter 1

Ahsoka was running across the cat walk trying to get away from the gunships that carried clones trying to stun her. She jumped high and slid down the railing landing perfectly on the ground. She ran up the stairs on the other side, only to be blocked and run down again.

Ahsoka's POV-

As I stood surrounded by clones aiming blasters at me, I saw my master and looked at him beseechingly, reaching out into the force I called to him. 'Help me, master. Please.' I know he got the message from the way he bowed his head. I could feel him reaching back out to me.

'I'm sorry, Ahsoka, but with the evidence we have... I want to believe you, I really do, but I don't know what to think right now. Just please surrender.'

'I'm not going to be blamed for something I didn't do. I trusted you, I thought that meant something to you, I guess not. But I'm still not surrendering, I don't care what you say now, I'm not.' I yelled back through our force link.

All clones had hands

on triggers ready to stun me if necessary."I DIDN'T DO IT!!!" I screamed.

I jumped up on a pipe line when I saw half the Jedi council now standing beside my master. I quickly cut a hole in the top of the tube and drop down into the pipe, I could here the clones and Jedi following me.

As I ran through the pipe line, water splashed beneath my feet. I could hear them all, calling my name; to come back, to surrender, that I'll be safe, please as if I will be safe with a bunch of people who don't even trust or believe me . With tears running down my face and hitting the water making it ripple, I ran faster to get away. Eventually when I needed to take a break I found a corner, sat down, and curled up bringing my knees to my chest.

i'll probally have a trial and then be executed anyway, even if I get caught because it's not like anyone believes me.' I thought whilst crying harder. "I may as well save them some time and effort" I mumbled to myself miserably as I picked up a piece of dirty, sharp metal off the pipe floor out of the water (she's not sitting in the water she is sitting on a rock in the corner out of the water. just thought to let you know.) and put it to my wrist. I pulled it along my vein in my wrist adding pressure at the same time creating a rather deep looking cut. Reaching out into the force, for what felt like one last time to me, to the council and my master (Anikan isn't on the council.) 'I'm sorry, masters' I say before before the darkness consumes me.

-Back with the Jedi-

The Jedi ran along the pipe line, using the force to seek out where Ahsoka ran off to.

As they got closer to where Ahsoka was they all received a force message, 'I'm sorry, masters' suddenly Yoda fell to the ground in pain.

"NO!!!" he bellowed as he felt Ahsoka started to become one with the force.

With all the strength master Yoda had let he leapt up and sprinted, with the others following, to where Ahsoka laid, as they rounded the corner...

Star Wars The Clone Wars: A New LifeWhere stories live. Discover now