Chapter 3

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The healer turned to the waiting and said...

The healer turned to the waiting and said... "It was touch and go for a while there and we were very worried that we were going to lose her but she pulled through eventually." The healer paused for a minute to let what she had said sink in before she continued. "We have cleaned, stitched and disinfected the cut on her wrist and bandaged it for extra protection."

The Jedi Council looked at each-other, unsure of what to say...of what to do. Hundreds of different thoughts were running through everyones minds, the most common being: 'How could we have done this to someone so one of our'

They were all broken out of their thoughts by Master Yoda asking "Is that all?"

The healer, who looked suddenly downcast, turned away and took a deep breath before turning back silently. "That was just the good news. The bad news is that she has slipped into a coma and we don't know whether she will awaken...if she ever will, that is. You may go and see her but only 4 at a time. We will be moving her to a private room very shortly after everyone is done. Good day." With that the healer piveted on her heels and walked back into the healing ward without another word.

The Jedi all turned to one another and had a silent conversation. Master Yoda, Anakin, Obi-wan and Master Windu stepped forwards and turned towards the door. They all walked into the healing ward hesitantly. Looking around, Anakin quietly made his way to Ahsoka's bedside, the other not too far behind.

Anakin sat down on the chair by the bed and looked down at the girl he thought of as a sister. He carefully took her hand in his and closed his eyes. He dug deep down into his bond he shared with her and pushed his energy out to her, to let Ahsoka know that he was there for...waiting for her to wake up...that he would lend her any support and energy that she needed to come back to then. He felt Ahsoka give a tiny push back and that gave him some hope that maybe she would come back to ...him.

Grand-master Yoda looked on with sadness in his wisened eyes. "Do with her, what are we going to? If she awakens, that is."

The other looked at Yoda, not sure how to answer. Master Windu looked at him with thoughtfulness written all over his face "It is becoming clearer that there is a possibility that she did not do what we are accusing her of." He said saddly. "It is obvious that we have been pushing her too hard and she believed this was her only way out."

Obi-wan looked at Ahsoka on the bed and sighed "Suicide is not the Jedi way and definately not something Ahsoka would turn to unles she was pushed and believed there was no other way out."

Anakin looked at them all and said scathingly "Ahsoka would never try to commit suicide on a whim. She is not easily broken down, Masters. Maybe being betrayed from the people she called family and pushed out of the one place she could call home broke her down." He looked each of them in the eyes before continuing. "Let's just hope she's not completely broken and that we have a chance of saving her...of bringing her back to her same ole self as before."

The healers came back into Ahsoka's room as the Jedi were leaving to go to the council room. The head healer told them the room they were taking Ahsoka to and then left them alone. The Jedi watch them leave until they were gone.

Ahsoka's POV

Everything was dark. I couldn't see anything, but I could certainly feel and hear.

Voices...who's were they?

That's Anakin. He's here. But where is here exactly?

Without warning there was a bright white light ahead. I walked towards it slowly and stopped. I put my hand out and waved it around and through the light.

Nothing happened. Seems safe enough.

Slowly I walked forward into the light and suddenly...

(A/N: Hey guys. I thought I might say that I chose Anakin and Ahsoka to be siblings because I have read so many fanfictions with them portrayed as father and daughter and the way they bicker in the series is how siblings bicker, so I decided for them to be brother and sister.

Later guys and I shall try to update again soon.)

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