Scene 1-3

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Batman & Batgirl


"Mourning is defined as the expression of sorrow for someone's death, it cannot be defined further due to humanities individuality, meaning, we all have our own ways of grieving..."- Displayed over Batman carrying Jason's lifeless body.

(Scene 1: Batman is in disbelief having just returned from the warehouse where he recovered Jason Todd's deceased body)

Batman: What could I have done differently?

Alfred: Nothing sir, you could not have stopped the Joker from doing what he has done; it was out of your control.

Batman: Jason trusted me Alfred! He expected me to save him, even you did! And I failed.

(Scene 1: Part 2: Bruce removes the cowl to show his distraught face; he then leaves the cave, keeping Jason's body in the cave for Alfred to set preparations for a funeral service that night.)

Alfred: Why did he do this to you Jason? Why are there such sick individuals in our midst?

(Scene 2: Bruce is in the main lounge of Wayne Manor, distraught and in tears.)

Bruce: How can I continue as Batman? I can't protect my friends, Jason was like a son to me and I let him die.

*Door to lounge opens revealing Alfred who appears in a rush.*

Alfred: Master Bruce...I'm not sure whether I should tell you this but that gang of rogue thugs that call themselves the 'Jokerz' have just taken the local theatre hostage, should I request the assistance of Master Dick in Bludhaven?

Bruce: I don't need help Alfred, I can handle this on my own. Those Jokerz chose the wrong night to mess with my city.

(Scene 3: Bruce rushes to the cave and dons the cowl.)

Bruce: If I stop these thugs maybe they can give me leads on the whereabouts of the Joker.

Alfred: I don't think it is in your best interests to go after the Joker tonight master Bruce.

*Bruce approaches Alfred having just put on the cowl with a look of anger in his eyes.*

Batman: Jason Todd was like a son to me Alfred, I will not let that psychopath get away with killing him, tonight the Joker will get a taste of some vengeance.

Batman & Batgirl: Mourning (MVODCU #1)Where stories live. Discover now