Scene 4-6

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(Scene 4: Joker in the theatre standing on the stage amongst all the hostages.)

Joker: This is where my path to failure started everyone! Take a long hard look at what one bad day did to a perfectly stable funny man if I do say so myself *maniac laughter* Tonight however will be a display of quite the opposite. Tonight ladies and gentlemen I debut my new show entitled 'The death of the batman'. We are only moments away from starting folks so sit tight *laughs hysterically*

(Scene 5: Batman on the roof of the theatre)

Alfred: Sir, I have some news... I'm not sure how to say this, but the Joker is in the theatre, I believe you should send Nightwing instead and come back to the cave, the Joker is setting a trap for you sir, he wants to see if you will break your rule.

*Batman turns off communications with Alfred and is about to enter the theatre silently through the roof*

*Nightwing approaches Batman right before he enters the theatre*

Nightwing: Batman!

Batman: Leave Nightwing, I don't need you right now, you're needed in Bludhaven.

Nightwing: Batman, penny one told me what happened to robin... I'm sorry, but what you're about to do is exactly what the joker wants, you're falling for his plan, let me go in there, you're not in the right state of mind for this.

Batman: I know I'm falling for his trap, but he can't get away with this, you don't understand!

Nightwing: I do understand! You're just being stubborn, look, there's a new paedophile ring in Bludhaven I've been tracking down, they're making their first 'transaction' tonight, take your anger out on them and let me handle the joker, deal?

*Nightwing turns around to see batman has vanished, seemingly accepting the deal*

Nightwing: I'll take that as a yes.

(Scene 6: Nightwing enters the theatre silently through the roof)

Joker Thug: Uhhh boss?... Are we just waiting for the bat to show up? Or are we actually gonna do somethin'

Joker: This isn't some heist! This is a show! Why commit a crime and stay hidden when you can make it a show for the world to see! *crazed laughter*

*Joker drags the thug out onto the stage in front of the hostages and sits him on a chair*

Joker Thug: What are you doing?

Joker: Ladies and gentlemen of the audience, for pre-show entertainment I give you a one man show that I like to call 'insanity' *laughter* you'll get that joke in just a second!

*Joker quickly covers his thugs face with a mask containing Joker toxin, and then Joker leaves the stage, only to confront Nightwing waiting backstage.*

Joker: Night-freak, what are you doing here? I was expecting the bat, but as they say in the business, the show must go on *laughter*

Batman & Batgirl: Mourning (MVODCU #1)Where stories live. Discover now