Scene 19-21

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(Scene 19: Bruce and Alfred are the only ones remaining in the dining room.)

Bruce: I was so close Alfred, I almost killed him, I would have killed him and Barbara was the only thing that stopped me.

Alfred: Sometimes it takes a voice of reason for us to drop back to earth sir.

Bruce: Do you know what no one has said to me? That Jason wouldn't have wanted that, that he wouldn't have wanted me to cross that line tonight, for him.

Alfred: That's because we all know that isn't true sir...

*Alfred and Bruce are then interrupted by Elisa.*

Elisa: Umm... Bruce? I was wondering if... once I completed my training that we could hunt down the man that killed my mother...

Bruce: I already have Dick looking into it, but speaking from experience, I suggest for you to stay out of it for now Elisa, your emotions are still raw... trust me.

Elisa: I'm not just going

Alfred: I think that's the closest you've ever come to talking about your emotions sir.

Bruce: Don't get too used to it Alfred.

*Elisa joins Dick in the bat-cave.*

Elisa: I know you don't like me... once we find my mother's killer I'll stay out of your way.

Dick: I never said I didn't like you, Alfred and Bruce are always so trusting; I just hope their decision doesn't put us all in danger.

Elisa: You're talking about me? Seriously?! I'm a part of this family now Dick, believe it or not, I'm feeling like for once I actually belong.

Dick: What do you mean?

Elisa: I've never belonged anywhere Dick, not in the league of assassins not anywhere. The only person that ever understood me and attempted to raise me was my mother and now she's dead, I'm hoping my new family will help me get some justice.

Bruce: Let's get to work.

(Scene 20: Batman [Dick Grayson] is on patrol with Bruce and Elisa at the cave assisting him)

Bruce: Ok Dick, it was the street to your left where I found Elisa and busted the paedophile ring.

Elisa: The leader was wearing a... clown mask.

Batman: You don't think it was... him; I'm going to the Asylum to interrogate him.

Bruce: Jaso... Dick no! Don't! Return to the cave immediately!

Batman: I'm almost certain it had something to do with him Bruce. I'll be fine; I'm not clumsy like Jason. You need to trust me.

Bruce: I... I trust you Dick, I just can't let anything like that happen again, comeback to the cave first and Nightwing can join Batman in the interrogation, agreed?

Batman: Just when I was getting used to wearing the cowl dammit... fine agreed.

(Scene 21: Batman [Bruce Wayne] & Nightwing are in the Arkham Infirmary interrogating the Joker)

Joker: Come back to finish the job bats? I really thought you were going to live a little but I guess it takes more than killing your bird-boy to push your buttons.

Nightwing: Even when he's been beaten to a pulp he still doesn't shut up!

Batman: What do you know about the paedophile ring operating on the border of Bludhaven and Gotham?! And don't even try lying to me Joker, this isn't the night.

*Batman approaches The Joker and grabs him by the throat and repeats his question.*

Joker: Well times have been a bit boring lately, so I decided to enter a new line of business. I bought the girl to save her from years of abuse and.

Nightwing: And what?! You were going to kill her!

Joker: Not exactly Nightfreak. While Harley is still locked up working with her suicide buddies, I thought I'd surprise her with our own little Harley junior. The mother was becoming a nuisance so I did the humane thing and had her killed *crazed laughter*. Things didn't go to plan however when the big bat spoiled the party... as usual!

Batman: You were going to brainwash her! And then turn her into your slave, you're sick, I should have killed you in the theatre!

*Nightwing holds back Batman as he can see a menacing look in his eye.*

Joker: I wouldn't say brainwash, I'd say brutally encourage *maniacal laughter*.

Batman & Batgirl: Mourning (MVODCU #1)Where stories live. Discover now