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I sat back down onto my bed checking my messages, I only had one from Jack, of course,

“Hey lil’ sissy! We can’t wait to see you tonight, missed ya corny jokes ;)” Jack was always texting me stupid things like that,

“N’awwh I missed you idiots too, my corny jokes are no match to your dick jokes!” I replied, but just as I pressed the send button the doorbell rang. I heard Zack say hey and invite them in, the guys were finally here!

I heard someone running up the stairs then fling my door open, it was Jack with his phone in his hand,

“Oi, we’re not idiots and you love my dick jokes admit it!” he yelled raising his eyebrows,

“Oh hi Jack, sure come in. But I don’t know the dick jokes are getting a little old.” I said sarcastically. Jack gasped, ran over to me, sat on me and started tickling me,

“Take it back, take it back, TAKE IT BACK!” he yelled,

“Nope!” I managed to mutter in between laughs,

“I refuse to stop until you say, Jack’s dick jokes are the fucking bomb!”

“Neveeerrr!” I squealed as he continued to tickle me.

“Awwh come on Jack stop, she’s only little, your fat ass will squish her!” I heard a voice say from the doorway, it was Alex,

“Hmm you could either stop me or join me in a tickle war!” Jack yelled,

“How old are you again Jack? 4?” I asked sarcastically,

“Fine I’ll stop, but this isn’t over munchkin!” He gave in, getting off me but messing my hair up with his hand,

“Thanks.” I said rolling my eyes,

“Ily too babe!” He replied in a high pitch voice as he blew me a kiss and walked out my room past Alex. I sat up on my bed and bit my lip, I’m pretty sure Alex noticed me blush, he just stood there looking at me leaning against the door frame with his arms folded over his chest,

“Sorry to interrupt.” He laughed, making his way over to my bed and sitting down, I just smiled as he pulled me into a hug,

“I missed you munchkin.” He said quietly, squeezing me tighter,

“Missed you too Lex.” I replied as he pulled away, “Getting soft on me ay Gaskarth?” I added messing up his hair, which was surprisingly soft,

“No way girly!” He shouted poking me in my sides above my hips, then jumping up and running towards the stairs, “race you down there, I bet I’ll beat like always!”

I flew off my bed to race him, as I reached the top of the stairs he was already halfway down, making sure I didn’t miss a step I caught up to him. As he reached the last step I jumped onto his back, wrapping my legs around his waist,

“Fuck, you caught me, well hold on then spider monkey!” He remarked wrapping his arms around my legs and running into the front room where everyone else was.

“LOOK WHAT I FOUND!” Alex yelled at everyone spinning me round in circles,

“Put me down Gaskarth!” I squealed,

“Hmm fine.” He sighed walking over to the couch and dropping me down next to Jack then sitting down next to me.

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